One way or another...

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Fear crossed her face for a brief second, but before anyone of us could run and protect Piper...

We heard a sickening crack, and heard a thud, as someone fell to the ground...

Piper's pov:

I was just there in shock. I couldn't believe what the heck just happened. I saw that Josh really was going to hit me. Me! The same person he was confessing his love to, literally minutes ago.

I was pretty nervous, Josh was taller than me, and did go to the gym, so he probably would've knocked me out cold with one punch. But seeing him actually want to hit me, I felt anger bubbling in my chest.

I saw A troupe begin to step forward simultaneously, in the corner of my eyes, but I couldn't focus on them.

Just as he moved his fist to hit me, I slightly panicked, and swiftly connected my fist with his nose.

There  really was a sickening crack and blood started pouring out as he fell on his knees to the ground, in pain. I stepped back, still trying to register what I just did, as Josh whimpered and muttered curses to himself.

I locked eyes with Finn for a brief second before he rushed over to me and spun me in his arms. He gave me a small kiss and hugged me. "I'm so proud of you, Peaches! I thought for a moment that he really did hit you! I would've killed him." Finn said, happily, while I giggled, almost forgetting about the fact that Josh was kneeling right there.

A troupe and Tiana swarmed around me and hugged me while praising me on my strength and confidence and telling me how proud they were of me.

Josh growled, loudly as we all parted from our group hug. "You! Are going to regret that! I will get you for this Piper Flanagan, one way or another! If it's the last thing I do!" He yelled furiously.

Finn shoved him back, just hard enough to make Josh stumble a bit, before saying, "You'll have to get through me first...". Tiana stepped forward, saying, "And me..", before Amy stepped out and said the same thing. Then Henry, Ozzy, Kenzie and all of A troupe! These guys really were my family.

Josh muttered to himself, as he grabbed some more napkins to wipe his bloodied and probably broken nose, and then left quickly.

We all high fived, joyful that we got rid of this idiot, before we all bought drinks and smoothies to carry on our small celebration. "You know what guys, let's take this party to my place." I said, happily, as the others, apart from Tiana and Amy who were already coming, texted their parents to let them know the change of plans. I called my mum to ask if A troupe could come over, because it was more likely that my dad would say yes, but he didn't answer the phone as he was at work, so plan B, mum.

"Hey mum! I love you so much, you know that? I've always been such a great daughter, don't tell the others but my mother's day gifts blew the other ones right out of the water!" I said, smiling to myself. "Pipes, what do you want?" My mother asked, knowingly. I could practically hear her smirking. "Umm.. well.. since you asked... Can A troupe come over tonight, I know its last minute but-", I started. "Nope, no way! Sorry Pipes, dear, but you know my rule: you want people to come over, tell me in advance, at least 24 hours in advance." She stated. "But mum-" i began to plead. "Sorry Pipes, but if you really want them to come over, ask James. I'm sure he and Riley wouldn't mind!" My mum reminded.

I quickly thanked her and said goodbye before dialing James' number. After explaining the ENTIRE situation, from Elliot to Josh to A troupe to our celebration and mum saying no, he happily said yes, and so did Riley. I knew these guys wouldn't turn down a hang out with A troupe, should've thought of asking them sooner!

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