Close call

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Recap:    Whatever they were planning, one thing was for sure, we were NOT going to get kidnapped! Not now, not ever, and especially not by these two idiots.

We have to find a way out of this and fast...

Richell's pov:

I looked down to where Piper was pointing and I'm not gonna lie, I was a little intimidated when I saw the contents in Josh and Elliot's hands.

Once they knew that we had seen their supplies, they smiled in a sickly fashion and charged at us.

"Ti, go there!" I whisper-shouted, gesturing around the island and towards the door.

"Pipes, go into the living, you can get out via the backdoor." I whisper-shouted to Piper, as she and Tiana nodded, whilst trying to dodge the boys and the things they kept throwing at us.

"What about you?" Piper asked when she was close to me.

"Don't worry, this is my house and I've got a couple of routes to get out." I said with a small smile gracing my lips.

I turned to check if Tiana had managed to get to the door when I felt a cold hand painfully grab onto my wrist.

Before I could comprehend anything, I felt myself being dragged towards the door.

Just as suddenly, the hand dropped my wrist and I turned to see Elliot on the ground, clutching the side of his slightly dented head.

"Nice job, Pipes!" I said, proudly, as she beamed at me holding a wooden spoon that she must've gotten from a nearby drawer.

"Tiana, behind you!" I heard her shout as I saw Josh slowly approach her with a rolling pin, but he was too slow as Tiana had already elbowed him in the face.

I grabbed my phone and called the police. Within 5 minutes, I heard a knock, and opened it to reveal the cops.

They dragged Josh and Elliot away, as we wrote a statement and to be honest, I was just glad that we wouldn't be seeing those idiots for a while.

" about some pizza?" I asked, once the cops had left and we tidied up a bit.

Laughing, the girls agreed.

10 minutes later, we were chilling and talking in the living room  whilst eating delicious pizza.

"That was honestly crazy!" Piper exclaimed.

"I know right?! I barely even knew those dudes!" Tiana said in disbelief as she ate her slice of pizza.

"I know! Honestly disgusting, I can't believe I dated THAT!" I said, as the girls agreed once again.

We talked a lot and then decided to go to sleep, as we were going to have hardcore Nationals rehearsals tomorrow.

Piper's pov:

It was 8am, and me and Richelle were just chilling in studio A, talking and stretching.

We had just dropped Tiana back at her own studio, and we were just waiting for others to arrive as technically, rehearsals didn't start for another 10 minutes.

When the others arrived, we briefed them on the events on the previous day and marvelled in what was actually a really close call.

After insulting Josh and Elliot for a good 15 minutes, we saw Nick enter, telling us about his two guests that will be our new choreographers.

"A troupe, please welcome........ Giselle and James!" Nick yelled excitedly, jumping up and down slightly.

Sometimes, he acted like such a man-child,and it was honestly hilarious.

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