Oneshot #5: Extreme

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Piper POV:

Today was the day that my plan was to be set into action.

Last Monday, James decided that it would be a funny prank to steal my schedule and mess up my school binder.

I take my schedules very seriously but surprisingly, I was so used to my schedule that it wasn't difficult to get my daily activities done.

But what annoyed me the most was him messing up my binder. It had my school timetable, all of my assignment papers and loose pieces of work in it- all in a specific order.

When he finally gave me back my things, it took me three good hours to reorganise it. To say that I was furious was an understatement, so I decided to get him back.

One of James's fears, thanks to Riley, is waxing. She made him do it one time and it scarred him for life. His words not mine.

Last night, I snuck into his bathroom and replaced his shaving cream with waxing gel. I made sure that he wouldn't realise a thing.


It was like 10 in the morning at our house, Riley had slept over, and I was downstairs, smiling like a chesire cat, at the sound of James unknowingly squirting the waxing gel. It echoed through the quiet house as my parents had already gone to work.

"Hey, P." Riley said as she sat next to me on the couch. "Guess what?" I asked, excitedly. "What?" She said, getting excited for what I was going to tell her.

"I finally thought of the perfect prank for James! I swapped his shaving cream for waxing gel." I explained, happily; she already knew about what James did to my binder and schedule, and as an organised person herself, Riley was not happy. So for the past few days, we had been brainstorming ideas.

"Oooh, he's not going to enjoy this one! Nice job, Pipes." She replied as I laughed.

"Piper!" I heard James yell, as he stomped down the stairs. Riley held in her laughter and quickly filled her mouth with cereal as I just smiled innocently.

"Don't give me that look. What did you do to my shaving cream?! It's really sticky and I tried to wash it off with water and it won't come off!" He complained as I smirked.

"You can't wash it off. The only way to get rid off it, is to peel it off. That's how waxing works." I said, before whispering the last part. Riley burst out laughing at James's face; he looked bewildered.

"What is wrong with you?! How am I supposed to just peel it off?!" He asked, angrily. "Yay, this is where I come in!" Riley exclaimed, excited at having another chance to introduce James to the world of waxing.

She began to talk to him whilst dragging him up the stairs as I laughed and he mouthed the word, "Help!".

I quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed a packet of crisps, since I needed something noisy, and then I turned up the volume of the TV. I sat down and noisily ate my crisps, succeeding in drowning out the screams of my older brother.

After about ten or so minutes, he came downstairs scowling, with Riley, practically bouncing beside him, a giddy smile on her face. "See James, that wasn't so bad!" She exclaimed, as James shot her a look.

"My face and my pits are on fire!" He shouted, glaring at me as I shrugged. "I'll get you back for that, Pipes. Just wait and see." He said, smirking at me. That was probably the most extreme prank that I've ever pulled on James, but it was so much fun to see his reaction.

"I'm sure that I can handle whatever James decides to do next." I thought to myself as I continued to chat with Riley and a sulking James, who was still in pain, with red patches littered all over his face.

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