Random Cute Moments. Part 1.

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Okay, let me explain something real quick. I get bursts of ideas that i separate into two catergories. Brain booms and Brain funnys.

Brain booms are safe. They're just random ideas that help move the story along. Theyre fun ideas that people tend to like.

Brain funnys on the other hand are somewhat dangerous. They're the ideas that people get scared of. Even i scare myself with Brain funnys. They're the ideas that dont do anything for the story or do literally everything for the story. 

This is a Brain Funny. It shouldn't have happened. Yet it did. Not sure what this does for the story yet but i guess we will see.

Jon Kent is about 18 and Elena Price is 17.

After dealing with a long day of school, Jon and Elena decided to take a walk through Gotham park, stalling so that Elena didnt have to go home just yet. They did this often without Damian because he was usually busy or he wanted to spend time with Raven. Neither of them could blame him in all honesty. Damian loved being around Raven as much as possible. It helped him to feel human.

The two had found a public restroom and gotten changed so that they could walk around without ruining their uniforms for school. Reaching the lake, Jon started skipping rocks, showing Elena how to do it. The two started laughing and chasing each other around the park, the both of them smiling brightly. Jon enjoyed seeing Elena smile. It was a rare sight when she did so when she smiled, Jon took in every moment, memerising the look on her face, unknowing how long it would be before he saw that smile again. The young man stopped running for a moment when Elena got distracted by a butterfly, a small soft smile resting on his face. His calm blue eyes taking in the look of curiosity on his friends face. When Elena looked over, Jon turned his head away and cleared his throat, trying to think of an excuse to distract her with. 

"Hey, Ellie?" He started finally, the red tint in his cheeks staring to disappear. "Do you wanna get some ice cream?"

Elena raised a brow and tilted her head in confusion. The last time Elena had had ice cream was when she went to the circus when she was five. She barely remembered it. "Ice cream?"

Jon's jaw dropped slightly in shock and horror. "You mean to tell me-? I- Elena, what the-? No. That's not allowed." He took hold of the girls hand and took to the ice cream parlour that rested in a quiet corner of the park. He guided her to the counter and looked at the cashier. "My friend has never had ice cream before. What flavour would you suggest?"

"Such a beautiful girl has never had ice cream? Well you brought her to the right place, my friend. We have the best ice cream in Gotham City." The man smiled, opening the freezer. He looked at Elena with a kind smile on his face. "You look like you like chocolate and strawberry. . . Am I right?"

Elena nodded with a smile and squeezed Jon's hand lightly, slightly nervous by what was about to happen. Jon looked down at her and smiled. "Its okay, Ellie. Myself and Damian come here often. I promise you that its safe." 

After a couple of minutes, Jon paid for the two ice creams they had ordered and the two of them walked out, their hands intertwined with each other. Jon glanced over at Elena, the same smile from earlier reappearing on his face as Elena became curious of the frozen treat she was holding infront of her. She licked it and her eyes widened, looking up at Jon.

Jon laughed brightly and shook his head. "What?" He asked, his cheeks tinting red.

"Is it meant to be that sweet?! And why is it so tasty???" Elena almost whined, still holding onto Jon's hand.

"Because its ice cream, Elena. Its meant to sweet and its such a great treat on a sunny day." Jon chuckled, continuing to watch Elena react to the ice cream.

After a few more hours in the park, Jon had to fly Elena back to Price territory at full speed. He landed in the garden and let Elena stand on her own two feet. Scared to let go yet, Jon pulled the girl into a hug, letting her know she could call him should she need anything. Letting go of the hug, the two looked at each other for what seemed like hours. 

Remember Rogue saying Brain Funny? This is it.

Keeping his arms around her waist, Jon looked into Elena's emerald green eyes and lent his head down, lightly kissing her lips. Jon wasn't expecting Elena to kiss him back, he was half expecting kryptonite to be shoved through his chest, but it never happened. Instead, Elena lent into the kiss, moving her hands to Jon's neck, gently pulling him further into it. 

"Elena Maria!"

The two jolted and turned their heads to look at Elena's father stood right there. "D. . . Dad... I.... I can-"

"Don't bother, Elena. Inside in five minutes." He demanded. "Mr Kent-" he said with a scowl before walking back to the building.

"Mr Price-" Jon replied politely yet awkwardly. He looked down at Elena, terrified to let her go at all by this point. But he decided it would be better for her if he did. He place another quick kiss on Elena's lips and walked her to the door, his heart pounding as he watched her leave his sight. Taking a deep breath, Jon looked up at the sky and took off, flying back to Wayne Manor.


Alfred looked into Jon's room and raised a brow. "Master Jon. . . I have seen many things in this manor since I started working here. . . But I have never seen the son of Superman with a look of craving and sadness combined on his face. Who is she?" He finished with a small smile, walking over to the balcony where Jon was stood.

Jon chuckled softly and shook his head, looking out at the view. "Would you believe me if I said Elena?"

"Yes. . . Just don't tell your brother-" Alfred nodded, walking back to the door. "Goodnight, Master Jon"

"Night, Alfred." Jon called as the door closed. The idea of Konner finding out about this made him laugh to himself. He shook his head and walked back inside, dropping onto his bed. "Damn it, Alfred. . ." He said softly to himself with a smile.

"I heard that!"

Jon shot upright, a look of fear on his face. "Sorry, Alf!"

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