Pranking Jay-Bird

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Damian, Jon, Elena, Jason and Alfred

Important info:
Damian and Jon are 13, Elena is 12.

Early in the morning, Elena was woken by Jon and Damian, both of them eager to tell her their plan.

"Guys, its five am. . . Go back to sleep. . ." The girl muttered, the scars from the week previous still visible on her skin (This will be explained later). She pulled her pillow over her face and tried to close her eyes again.

"Come on, Alfred gave us a great prank to pull on Jay. Please?" Jon asked, looking at his friend with puppy eyes. He rarely used puppy eyes on Elena but he wanted her help and damn it, he was gonna get it.

Elena reluctantly threw her covers back and climbed out of bed. Elena often spent nights at Wayne Manor, trying to avoid home and her father. She followed the boys to Jason's room and rubbed her eye. Yawning, she looked at Jon's hand and say a tube of some sort. "Jonny. . . What are you holding?"

Jon looked at his hand then at his friend with a bright smile. "Do you remember what Jason did yesterday? Well, Alfred ordered some hair removal stuff. You and I are gonna handle that while Damian switches out Jason's gun for a confetti gun which we got from the party store" The boy giggled quietly, opening the door to Jason's room.

"We're gonna get in trouble. Hes going to kill us-" Elena whispered, fear covering her voice as she gripped Jon's hand, her body trembling.

Jon turned to Elena, a kind smile resting on his face. "Jason wont touch you. I promise you. I wont let him" He gave Elena's hand a gentle squeeze and pulled her over to the side of Jason's bed, opening the tube in his hand. He let go of Elena's hand and put some of the cream on his own before putting it all on one side of Jason's head. 

Damian on the other hand, had started making sure that he put the fake gun in the exact place that Jason kept his real one. Damian knew that Elena had a bad history with guns and that Jon wouldn't touch them with a 10ft pole. So he took on that task, trying to keep his smaller friend safe and not ruin the prank. 

Elena carefully leant forward, finding courage, and helped Jon put the hair removal cream on Jason's head, putting some on his eyebrows. She looked up at Jon with a very small and faint smile then quietly walked back to the door, walking out the room. The boys finished what they were doing and followed her. 

Elena had started falling asleep again and Jon, being Jon, picked her up carefully and carried her back to her room, tucking her into bed while Damian hid Jason's gun and the hair removal cream. Jon stayed with his friend and they were soon joined by Damian, the two sitting at the end of her bed with their legs crossed.

"Mom already said that if she could, she would adopt Elena. . . keep her safe. . . She was so scared in there. . ." Jon said quietly to Damian.

"We need proof before we can do anything, Kent. . . You know this. . ." Damian replied. He agreed with Jon that Elena would be safer in Kansas, but they had no evidence. Instead, they two boys just continued to think of pranks and games that they could team up with Elena for to help build her courage and her happiness.

9AM. Wayne Manor

Elena's head spun round as a shout echoed through the manor. "Uh oh. . ." The twelve year old clambered off her seat and ran over to Alfred, raising her arms so that he would pick her up. Alfred, confused, picked Elena up and held her close with one with one arm while he held his coffee in the other.

Damian and Jon looked at each other, smirking. They had already decided to take the blame and keep Elena out of the line of fire from Jason. Damian and Jon pushed themselves from their seats and took off at a sprint through the manor, leading Jason away from Elena and Alfred. The boys ran back into the room and Jason pulled out the fake gun, pulling the the trigger. Instead of a bullet, the room was filled with glitter and confetti. A sound of laughter and happiness filled the room after a few seconds and all four boys were confused until they looked at Elena, smiling brightly and laughing. She reached her arms out to try and catch some of the glitter and confetti, still smiling.

Jon and Damian looked at each other then at Jason, both smiling. "You okay with the prank now?" Jon asked, placing his hands on his hips and shifting his weight to one side.

Jason has a faint smile on his face as he responded. "Yeah. . . I'm okay with this. . ." He walked over to Jon and Damian, ruffling their hair then over to Alfred and Elena, taking Elena is his own arms. "Hungry, kiddo? You had breakfast yet?"

"Can i have toast? Is that okay?" The little girl asked as Jason carried her to the kitchen.

"What do you mean 'is that okay'? Of course its okay. If you're hungry, just tell us and we will get if you"

Damian and Jon looked at each other again, proud of themselves and what they had done. They high fived before looking at Alfred, already understanding the look on his face and starting to clean the confetti off the floor. 

Prank well done.

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