A/N - How To Make A Suggestion

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If you want to see something in the story, here's how to make a suggestion!

Choose a character(s):

Damian Wayne
Jon Kent
Jennifer Pierce
Elena Price
Amelia Wayne
Casey Queen
Alicia Queen
Harvey Stewart
Anya Palmer
Sam Allen
Eamon Curry
Killian Smith

Choose a Type:

(B/S) - Back Story
(F/B) - Flash Back
(F/V) - Future Vision
(C/T) - Current Time
(T/S) - Trauma Story
(P/C) - Personality Change (an event that alters a characters personality slightly)

Choose an Age:

Damian and Jon are the same age in this AU, so please don't give different ages for them if you choose the two together.

Choose a Random Song from Spotify:

This can be any song imaginable and I will try to create a story around it. Battled Frienship was created by the song "You've got a friend in me" from Toy Story, a suggestion from a friend.

Thank you for taking the time to read and feel free to comment or DM me the suggestions. 😊 Thank you

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