Random Cute Moments. Part 2.

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Kent Farm, Smallville, Kansas State.

Jon woke up suddenly to his brother blasting music on his speaker. Pulling on sweatpants, Jon climbed out of bed and walked to Konners bedroom door, slamming his fist on it multiple times. "Shut it off, you Clone!"

"Jonathan Samuel Kent!"

"Mom! I wanted to sleep, damn it! And he is a clone!"

"If you have a problem, Jonny Boy. . . Sleep in the barn-" Konner stated, staring his younger brother down.

Jon glared at his brother and a low growl eminated from his chest before he turned back to his room, slamming the door behind him. Jon dropped onto his bed, hugging his pillow. He let out a sigh, laying on his chest and was about to force himself back to sleep when his phone rang. "Hello.....?" the young man mumbled, hoping that it wasn't his brother playing a trick on him.

"Look outside, Jonny-!"

Hanging up, Jon rolled out of bed again before walking to his window, he frowned as he tried to figure out what was going on. Jon raised a brow and shook his head before catching a glimpse of someone in the barn. He rolled his eyes and pulled on a vest changed from sweatpants to jeans before pulling on his boots. Letting out a sigh, Jon grabbed his hat on his way out of his room and went down the stairs. 

"Joining us for breakfast, Jon?" Clark asked his son, confused slightly when he didn't get an answer as Jon walked straight out, the door closing the door behind him. "I'll take that as a no?" He looked at Lois and Konner who both just shrugged.

Jon walked out to the barn and opened the door, curious as to why one of his two best friends was sat on top of the tractor, kind of dancing to the country music playing in her headphones. He chuckled, hanging his head and shaking it. "Oh sweet jesus-" He muttered, laughing to himself before walking over, pulling the headphones off Elena's head. "Hello, Ellie. . ." He smiled.

Elena smiled back, placing her hand on Jon's cheek. Jon let out a sigh and lifted his friend off the tractor, hugging her. "How did you escape your dad?" He asked happily, just glad that his friend was safe.

"Dads out of the country on a business trip. He wont be back for a few months. I got Barry to run me here" Elena explained, hugging him back. She frowned and let go of him, furrowing her brows.

"El? What is it?" Jon asked, slightly worried.

"Do I smell bacon?" Elena's expression turned to a smiled and she started laughing, Jon lifting his hand to his chest.

"Don't do that to me-" He begged with a laugh before grabbing her hand. "Dads making breakfast. Come on." Jon smiled, guiding Elena out of the barn and into the house. Once inside, Jon smiled at his parents. "We have a guest for breakfast"

"Really?" Lois asked. "Who?" Lois's confused expression turned to relief, realising who had joined them. Lois walked over and hugged Elena tightly. "Its so good to see you. How are you enjoying your summer vacation?"

"So far so good. I had Barry run me over here. Dads out the country so-" Elena smiled nervously then sat down at the table next to Jon, not wanting to cause trouble or anything. She stayed close to her friend, the two switching between English and Kryptonian as they went. 

Eventually, Jon said something that Elena found funny, making her burst into laughter. Although he tried to hold back his laughter, Jon started chuckling, hiding his face with his hand. He lent his elbows in the table, hiding how red his face had gone. Confused, Clark, Konner and Lois all looked at each other then at the two, wondering what Elena had found so funny.

"Elena, sweetie. . ." Lois started. "Whats so funny, hun?"

"Oh, nothing. . . Jon just said something about my dad and I found it accurate-" Elena explained between giggling. 

A Few Hours Later

Jon let out a sigh and took hold of Elena's hand, whispering to her. After agreeing on a plan, Jon guided Elena out of the house and to his dads truck, the two climbing in. Within minutes, Jon had started up the engine and driven away from the Kent farm. Jon knew that Elena had recently had a panic attack or something. He could read her body language and hated it. He had originally told her that he was going to take her for ice cream but that plan soon changed the moment he saw a poster for the circus. Smiling to himself, Jon turned down the road for the circus, finding a parking spot near the front of the tent.

You see, Jon and Damian know Elena better than her own father knows her. The first time Elena ever went to the circus was with Damian and Jon and the two agreed that it was the best decision they had ever made. Elena was so captivated by the acts and the uniqueness that she had decided that when she was older and if she didn't have a job, she would run away with the circus.

Jon paid for two ring side tickets then looked at Elena who just had a confused look on her face. Jon chuckled and shook his head, taking hold of her hand. "It'll be okay, El. Besides. . . I'm here" He smiled, pulling her into the circus tent. Once they both were sat down, Jon got Elena some cotton candy and smiled, the two waiting for the show to start.

As the show started, Elena's lit up and she lent forward, staring in amazement. Jon smiled, paying more attention to Elena than he was the show. A small smile appeared on his face as he realised how much fun she was having, watching the people on the high lines and the people that were basically flying. Letting out a sigh and turning his gaze to the show. 

After the show, Jon and Elena just walked around Smallville, laughing and smiling. Jon soon took hold of Elena's, lacing his fingers with hers. He let out a soft sigh as he checked his watch, checking the time.

"Hey, Elena?"

"Hm? Whats up?" The girl asked as Jon gently pulled her back towards him so she didnt walk on and disappear.

"We better get back-"

"But doesnt Clark-"

"I left my window open-" Jon smiled, picking up Elena and flying up in to the air. 

By the time that they had returned to the Kent farm, Elena was already asleep. Jon smiled softly and opened the window, climbing in. He set Elena down on the bed and carefully took off her shoes so not to wake her before pulling off his own shoes and changing into some sweatpants and a vest. Wanting to make sure she was safe, Jon climbed under the covers next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist. 

"I'll protect you, El-" he whispered, looking at the girls sleeping face. "Even if it kills me.... You'll be safe-" After a few moments of taking in Elena's facial features, Jon fell asleep, a small but subtle smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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