Making Amends (Part 2)

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Continued. Same characters.

Two Weeks Later.

Jon and Damian hadn't seen Elena in over three weeks, they were starting to get worried. Deciding between the two of them, Jon and Damian asked Alfred to take them to the hospital. Jon didn't say anything the whole trip to the hospital, he was still blaming himself for making Elena lash out.

As they got to the hospital, Jon was the first one out of the car and he looked at Damian before walking inside. Jon made his way to the desk and stood on his toes to look at the receptionist. "Excuse me. . ." he said timidly. "I'm looking for an Elena Price? I'm a friend from her school and last I heard. . . she was here. . ."

The receptionist looked at him, seeing the sadness on his face. She called over one of the nurses and told them to take Jon to Elena's room, Damian staying behind at the gift shop to try and find a get well soon present for their friend. Jon was basically jogging to keep up with the nurse, wanting to make sure he didn't lose them. 

They finally got to the room and the nurse opened the door for Jon. Jon slowly walked in and saw Elena sleeping, still wearing her vest and shorts.

"She always did hate the hospital gowns. . . didn't she?" the boy thought with a small smile before making his way over to her bed side, sitting down next to her. Jon slowly took hold of Elena's hand, trying to let her know that he was there for her. 

"This is my fault. . . I'm so sorry, Ellie. . . I promise that I wont do it again. . . just please don't hate me." Jon quietly whimpered. "You're one of my best friends. . . I didn't mean to hurt you. . . or scare you. . . and get your dad to do this stuff. . . Please forgive me. . ." He requested as the cold, clear liquid started to leak from his eyes down his face. Gripping the girls hand tighter, Jon placed his head on the bed next to her arm, sobbing quietly, as he cried himself to sleep.

A Few Hours Later

Jon woke up slowly, slightly confused as to why his head was resting on someones lap "I thought I fell asleep on the bed?" he thought, his confusion making him curious. Jon sat up and rubbed his eye with his knuckles, yawning slightly. He opened his eyes properly and his jaw almost dropped.

"Heya, Jonny" Elena smiled. "I didn't get to finish braiding your hair" the girl pouted in a huff, clearly having been awake for at least an hour.

"O-oh. . .okay. . ." Jon turned on his chair so his back was facing her, staying quiet as Elena finished the braid.

Damian was in the corner of the room with his phone out, chuckling quietly as he filmed everything that was happening. "Happy there, Ellie?" he asked, not taking is eyes off his phone. It didn't take long for him to burst out laughing from the look of confusion on Elena's face though.

Elena, being the confused bean she was, raised a brow for a brief moment before tying the band in Jon's hair to keep the braid in place. "All done!" She smiled then waved as Damian left the room to get snacks and drinks.

Jon turned to Elena slowly, looking at her, trying to read any pain that she was hiding, "I'm sorry, Ellie. . . I didn't mean to frighten you. . . or get you hurt. . ." Jon muttered, looking down at the floor.

Elena smiled weakly and cupped Jon's face in her hands. "Its okay. . . You didn't know what was going to happen. . . None of us did. . . You're still my best friend. I'm glad you came to visit"

Jon's eyes slowly started to fill again as he wrapped his arms around Elena's waist from where her was sat, hugging the girl tightly. "I promise I wont let anyone hurt you again. I swear on my moms and dads lives that no one will hurt you again."

"I know." Elena smiled, hugging him back. "I know"

If only it were that simple. . .

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