Battled Friendship

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IMPORTANT: Damian and Jon at 17. Damian hasn't long died and been put in the Lazirus Pit. This is in the Bat Corps HQ

Jon and Damian had decided to stay back after their most recent mission. Usually, Damian wouldn't leave certain members of the team without his supervision. He had found it difficult to let be without him, like he had to protect them, almost like it was his job. The young man sighed as he started pulling off his jacket to take off his uniform in his changing cubicle. Damian know Jon would have something to say about him dying again. Jon had everyone's death written down in a small notebook in his pocket and he had likely written down Damian's recent death as well. . . Along with the reason for it.

Jon had a habit of writing down every little detail of the entire teams death count. This included how they died, how long they were dead for, the date they died and how long the Lazirus Pit took to take effect. The young man sighed slightly as he checked the notes in his book before closing it and pressing his hands against a sink in the boys bathroom. Jon knew there was no hope in getting angry with Damian. He wanted to be angry to see if it would get through to him but that would only result in a fight and with the youngest member of their team being only fifteen, he really didn't want to risk it.

Damian soon joined Jon in the bathroom from having finished changing, washing the blood off his hands, arms, neck and face. He didn't say anything to Jon and Jon didn't say anything to him but he knew that his best friend had something to say. With a defeated sigh, Damian straightened up and looked directly at him. "Okay, Kent. You have something on your mind so say it. You have that pained look in your eyes and you only have that when you want to speak. You're pissed at me, I know"

"I'm not pissed at you, Damian! I'm upset!" Jon retorted. "We're your team and you ran off without back up! And what did that result in? You dying!" Jon paused, looking down at his hands "again. . ." The young man dried his hands with a towel then turned back to Damian with a huff. "It was reckless and dangerous. You seem to forget that you have a little sister and another best friend that depends on you being around and going head first into a one on one fight is the stupidest thing you could possibly do at this point in time"

"Jon, I-"

"I get that you want to protect everyone, Damian and that you'd rather it was you six feet underground but god damn it! If you keep doing this. . ." Jon looked directly at his best friend "I'm going back to Kansas. . ." He threatened softly. "And I'll take Elena and Mimmi with me. Think about what you're doing before you do it. We can't keep watching you die. . ." Jon's eyes slowly started to fill and he rubbed his knuckles against his cheek roughly before looking away, blinking. "We can't keep doing this, Damian. It's one thing to go off on your own for a solo mission. . . It's another thing entirely to go off on your own during a team mission when we are there to back you up."

Damian folded his arms across his chest and leant against one of the sinks, looking down at his boots. He didn't know what to say at this point. He knew that the teams death toll in total was high and that one of his team mates didn't exactly get a choice on that but he also knew Jon was right with everything he said. The team was there for him and he ran off because of a personal vendetta. He lifted his head to see Jon leaving the bathroom. He was going to go after him but had decided against it.

"You're still my best friend, Damian" Jon sighed as he got to the door. "But you need to rethink how you do things"


The team had gathered around the table for their usual lunch break, as the team laughed and joked with each other, Damian and Jon were sat across from each other, staying quiet. The two just ate their food quietly and this slowly got the attention of the other teams mates.

"Whats gotten into you two?" Jen asked, looking over at them with a curious brow at the two. "The two of you usually join in with us and have fun" She chuckled.

Damian and Jon glanced up at each other, making eye contact for a moment before turning to the group. Damian pushed himself up and stood at the head of the table, placing his hands down. "It seems an apology is in order from me." he started "Yesterday on our mission, my actions were uncalled for and I didn't realise how bad I could've made the situation. Please forgive me" 

The team looked at each other and Jon watched them, wondering what they were going to say or do.

The all nodded to each other and smiled as Mimmi, their youngest member and the newest Robin through her own choice, stood up and walked over to her big brother. She picked up the chocolate cake from the table and observed it before pressing it against her elder brothers face, mushing in his hair and on his skin. "We forgive you, Dami. but do that again and I'll tell Jonny where you keep the kryptonite"

Jon looked up at his best friend, trying not laugh at the fact that he just had his hair ruined by chocolate cake and looked back down at his food, trying to not meet Damian's now harsh gaze. Damian raised a brow before taking some of the cake out of his hair and pressing it into Jon's. Jon looked up at Damian in shock and before everyone knew it, the two were back to normal, wrestling with each other and laughing.

After about five minutes, the two were laying on the ground, trying to catch their breath. Jon turned his head to look at Damian, a grin resting on his face "I swear to all things hell can create, man. . . You die again and I'll kill you myself" Jon joked.

"Sure, Kent. if you can get past the kryptonite" Damian replied, chuckling and looking at the ceiling. 

The two looked at themselves and agreed on taking a shower before patrol, wanting to get the cake off their skin and out of their hair.

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