Part 4

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Y/N's arrival

yes, this is gonna be a fic lol. I hope for many more of them to come around. this is gonna be entirely on Y/N (or yours) POV. enjoy~


I got out of the taxi with the luggage behind me, paying the taxi driver the sum he requested, plus a small tip. Ao-ki had planned to take care of the other larger luggage that I had sent from her, so I remained with this smaller one where I kept the essentials; for example essential oils, pajamas, underwear...things like that.

I was really nervous. It’s true that I met half my future roommates by text, and some of them were already following me on Twitter, but I couldn’t help but be nervous. After all, I have to live with them for the duration of my college years.

I slowly started walking towards the boys' apartment, the heart pounding on my chest with every step I took. I had asked the taxi driver to leave me at the beginning of the road, just behind their apartment, so I could walk quietly and have time to think. I had many questions that weighed me down further, and it was at this moment that I regretted having had two breakfasts. The first was a cappuccino taken at the bar at 5 in the morning (yeah, I couldn’t sleep). The second was some ordinary pancakes with orange juice.

For example, I asked myself at least 150 times whether I should bring my resume with me, whether I would be in the room alone or with Ao-ki, how she was, whether I would bond with the others...and a lot of other questions, to make it short.

And apparently I was thinking about it even now, and in fact I thought about it so much that I didn’t realize I’d overtaken the apartment in question. Blinking, I chuckled lightly, to then take a sharp turn and go back to the famous apartment. When I got to the front door, I looked up. The 'modest apartment' Ao-ki told me about was on the 16th floor of a building, if I had arrived at the right building. I pulled out the phone, unlocked it and opened the messages. I quickly searched for Ao-ki’s contact, swiftly scrolling through the few messages we had sent. The address was the right one, now all I had to do was buzz in.

I approached the list of names, looking for Ao-ki's. I immediately found the name I was looking for, but to my surprise I found yet another one. Ikor? Does he have an apartment separate from the others? His name was right below Ao-ki’s, so it meant he was on the same floor or the one below. I still decided not to notice, because that’s not where I had to go. I approached the bell next to her name. I was about to buzz in when a noise from the front door caught my attention. I turned my head to the door and saw an old lady who was struggling to push the door out, a shopping bag behind her. I pushed pointing out my presence for the others in the background and ran to help that lady. She looked at me and smiled at me gently; she had short, white hair, soft as a cloud, blue eyes like the sky, a red frame of glasses and a small stature, she was a little lower than me; she also had pale blue skin, so I was assuming she was from the wind state.

"Thank you, darling. You really helped me." She thanked me, leaning on a stick that I hadn’t noticed was in her hand all this time.

"Not at all, ma'am. I’m glad I could help you."

"Who are you visiting today?"

"Oh, I’m actually moving here. I’ll be staying a few years here, I think."

"Oh, how glad I am! And you already have an apartment on your own?"

"No, not really. I’m moving in with someone else." I stopped, undecided whether to ask or not, then I decided to take the risk. "By chance do you know a certain Ao-ki?"

She smiled at me, surprisingly. "Naturally! Everyone here knows her!" She looked at me like she was expecting something from me, then she laughed a little. "You don’t know where it is, do you? 16th floor, last door on the right."

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