Part 23

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Freedom - PART 4

this is part 4 and the last part of this long ass fic! next part soon and it's gon be special uwu


"What do you mean she isn't here anymore?" Riff asked, incredulous. 

"What I said, son. I don't know where she went." King Firr replied. "But she was here a moment ago." 

"Was what she did so bad?" He asked again, confused. 

"It is. You don't know where she went? We checked all the places she could be, she seems to have vanished into thin air." 

"I don't know, but she has been a bit strange these past few days." 

"And it didn't cross your mind to let us know something, anything?" Queen Calida reappeared into the room, and Riff, just like what happened with Finna, froze on the spot on hearing his Mother's furious tone. 

"I didn't think it was important...I didn't know it would end up like this..." 

"Of course you didn't. Do you know what she has been doing?" 


"She was illegally fighting!" 

Riff blinked, his concern for his sister faded in the background and was replaced with...adrenaline, the same Finna had at that idea. "Woah!" He said after a moment. 

The Queen blinked confused, to then point an accusing finger at him. "Don't even think about it, Riff!, or else I'm going to lock you up in here!" 

"Like you did for Finna?" Riff's temper started peeking out too, the same temper he inherited from his mother, and it won't be long until they will both go head to head. 

"No, because if you haven't noticed, she's not here anymore!" She sighed, calming down. "She was in pretty bad shape, son, and we just wanted to keep her here to help her recover." 

Riff remained silent at that, looking at the floor. "I really don't know where she is." He then said, anticipating the question his mother was going to ask him. "If I knew I would've told you." 

She remained silent, looking at his son with a raised eyebrow. "Hm!" She said after a while. "You come back and don't even greet us and ask us how we are!" She changed the subject, or to better say it, she changed the bone to pick with him. 

"Don't worry, Callie." Firr spoke again, knowing better than to interfere in two short tempered people, especially if one of them was his wife. "We'll surely be given full attention when he'll be asking for money or...another favor again." He added sarcastically. 

She crossed her arms on her chest, a smirk painted on her face. "So...the President's daughter?" 

He  widened his eyes. "How did you-?" Then he huffed. "Aiden!" 

"It wasn't him. Ao-Ki, differently than you or your sister, speaks with her mother. You should take an example from her." 

He rolled his eyes, huffing audibly. 

"Now this is interesting news." Firr said, surprised. 

"We're not together, ok?" 

She tilted her head, giving his son a side eye. "Be careful if you say that in front of her, because she very vividly affirms that you are." 

"We haven't...made it official..." He mumbled, as red as his hair. "But...yea…"

"You don't have to justify yourself, son. Do you want to stay the night? Do you have any business to do tomorrow?" Firr asked, hopeful that his son would answer positively. 

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