Part 22

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Freedom - PART 3

I totally haven't forgot shshehehesjsksksk
another part and then I'm done with this long ass fic I swear, tho a week is too long, so I think I'll just post in a timespan like >7 and <2 days lol (so from 3 to 6 days from this chapter)


She leaned on the balustrade of the large terrace overlooking the main room, watching the bustle of people, from servants to nobles of lower rank, who "invaded" the palace. Among all those people there were still those who had seen the twins born, who was her best friend, who took care of the two when their parents were not there. There was the cook, an enigmatic Windy who never seemed to age, and the bodyguards, many bodyguards. 

Among the people who were leaving the palace, servants who had finished their shift and were now returning to their families, nobles with titles acquired or bought that came out annoyed, because the King had just postponed that important audience that they had been invited to follow, the reason unknown. 

Finna had grown up looking at this landscape, all these people who, as if they were dancing, were performing their main tasks or coming to visit the Royals. There were also those who lived in the palace because they were servants without a fixed abode, or relatives of the King, who had a few brothers and sisters. 

Her favorite day was when the inhabitants of the Fire Kingdom were allowed to visit the palace and meet the Royals; as it was an important event, many other inhabitants of other States participated. As for the people of the Ice Kingdom, a special day was held there as well, but as the Icys did not participate in the Day of Fire, neither did the Fieries for the Day of Ice. Not because they couldn’t, but because they didn’t want to.

As for her, she liked the Day of Fire, but unfortunately she could not participate, as ascenders to the throne were not allowed to appear in public until the coronation, marriage, after the abdication or death of both parents, or if the parents specifically request this situation, which is veeeery rare. A strange rule, yes, but necessary, since this gesture did not allow the Gormians to speak ill and start rumors or fake gossip about the Princes and Princesses, and allowed the latter to train properly to play the role of King or Queen, learning everything there was to know about the Kingdom and its people. 

In turn, the people, no, whole Gorm, knew about the fact that the Fire Kingdom had a Heir and a Heiress ever since the Queen's pregnancy, but nobody heard their name or have seen them after they're born. Only a few close relatives of the Royals, or the friends of the twins, know about all this. An example? Sophos, Eron's grandpa, who has no connection with her family but still got trusted in keeping this secret. A different story was for Ikor, since nobody knew that the Queen was even pregnant, as she retired in the palace for the whole pregnancy, and it didn't look so suspicious as she was almost never outside the palace for long; there, for the people, the King and Queen don't have an Heir. 

Being Royals, though, never weighed on the three of them, or at least it doesn't weigh on her, because she's free to live a...normal life, with the exception of changing her family name, without being chased by paparazzi or getting bothered, she and her friends. And she felt like a normal person too, with a college to go to, a part-time job, even a full time one if she wanted to, and all of that made her All of this was possible, though, from 18 years on; before that, she was privately taught like her brother. 

Now that she thought about it, the only noblewoman who did not have a royal title and therefore could show herself in public since she was little, was Ao-ki, and Finna somewhat envied her for this. At least she was known to people. 

Thinking of her Parents, Finna sighed deeply, turning and giving her back to the large main room, resting her back on the balustrade and tilting her head backwards. At that gesture, one of the guards took an instinctive step forward. 

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