Part 10

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this is it. the update you've been waiting for. there it is. part 2 of the 'Blue Prince' fic you were hoping to read! shut down break is over, and baby step by baby step we're getting back to track normally!

before you get into the fic tho, I must advice that there are some TRIGGER WARNINGS!
and naturally SWEARING, but that was cleared out since the first chapter. only THIS chapter is gonna contain these triggers, so after that fear not and read freely! I'll let you into it since you're probably about to skin me alive right now! it's pretty long, so it might take a while.
thank you Analuisapinto124 for the help and the ideas!


Trek got out of the car quickly, his phone in his pocket and the tray safely in his arms. He thanked Finna to then turn to the metal fence that was closed in front of him. Unlike he and the others, that were living in a building, Siran preferred to have a garden, even if small, so she bought a little house. And in fact, to be small it was pretty small, but it was all adorned of flowers of any sort. There was even a small peach tree there, full of fruits since it was almost the end of the Fire season and the beginning of the Wind season.*¹ He lost no more time and rang the bell to make Siran aware of his presence. She came out almost instantly, smiling. She opened the fence right away to then go to greet him.

"Get inside! Come in! I'm glad you came...." she said quickly, closing back the fence and then closing the front door, not after hugging him and making sure he was inside.

"Here. Finna told me you didn't eat anything because you were hungry, and when you finally were...stuff happened." he replied gently, handing her the tray.

She replied with a chuckle, taking instantly the tray and picking up an edge of the dishcloth he used as a cover. She instantly smelled the pleasant perfume of curry chicken. Her favorite.

"It got a bit cold, so you may have to heat it up into a pan, even the microwave is okay. I'm sorry it took me so l-"

"Thank you." she interrupted him, pecking on his cheek a sweet kiss. She then got into the kitchen a bit embarrassed, while Trek remained there, all red and rigid like a piece of wood.

"N-no problem!" he stuttered out, now a tomato.

"Why did Finna leave so suddenly anyways?" Siran asked while putting the bowl with the chicken in the microwave, inserting the 2 minute program to heat it up.

Trek's redness instantly faded from his face, his stupid grin instantly dropped. The others recommended him to not mention by all means Fylkir. What should he say now? He remained thinking for a bit, while Siran turned back to face him, her back leaned against the counter where the microwave was.

She noticed his strange change of humour. "Nothing serious, I hope."

" you...uh...?" he wasn't good at lying. He cursed in his mind. "Do you know Y/N, by any chance?"

"Of course! She's a very good friend of mine. Me, her and Ao-ki know each other since we were little." she explained happily. She considered Y/N a good friend, she trusted her. "Why?"

"Uh, well...she was kidnapped?"

"WHAT?!" Siran shouted in shock. Way to go, Trek, he thought, mentally facepalming.

"Um...but we know who kidnapped her!" he said before thinking. He then realized and facepalmed, this time for real. "I mean, she's not really kidnapped...uh..."

"I don't understand. Is she okay?" Siran asked concerned. Without waiting for an answer she got to the coffee table in the living room, taking her phone and bringing it with her back to the kitchen. "I'm gonna ask Ao-ki."

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