Part 17

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HAHAAAAAAH I'm alive and this book is too omg! I know that I've been inactive for too long, but this fic was about a sensitive topic and it was kinda hard to write it all lolol.

like the last fic, only this chapter will contain mentioned triggers, so the next chapters, unless I specify it, will not have those triggers.

thanks to all for being patient! getting back on track slowly <3


"See you later!" Siran saluted her affectionately as they always used to do, a fist bump.

"It was good to see you again, I hope to meet you again!" Y/N extended the farewell to Finna, waving a hand to her; Finna returned the gesture smiling, the other hand still on the doorknob to go out. She then thought for an istant and quickly walked to the saucer in the center of the living room, stealing a homemade macaron that Siran had prepared that morning, to Siran's fake displeasure, that jokingly hit her shoulder while laughing. Then she made a slight reverence, getting out of the front door after having again waved at the two girls sitting on the large red velvet armchair in the center of the living room.

Once out of the house, and after passing the small iron gate that separated the house from the road, Finna looked around slowly, to then walk a short stretch of sidewalk to the nearest corner, In the meantime, she briefly grouped her red locks behind the neck to cover the head with the hoodie as comfortably and easily as possible. Once she turned the corner, Finna stopped briefly, raising the sleeves of the black sweatshirt, making sure that the bandages on her hand were as firm as possible. Then she walked to take an isolated street, fists tight on her sides.


"So, how are you?" Siran asked Y/N without looking at her face, busy pouring some berry tea into the gold-decorated cups, a gift from Ao-ki.

"Do you mean after the famous event?" Y/N replied, to then continue without expecting an answer back. "Well, I have to say. I don't feel different or anything...I also checked down there, to see if there was something wrong, but I didn't see anything special. I have plans to go to the gynecologist these days." She thanked Siran for the tea, which in the meantime had returned to sit on the armchair, watching her. She was going to continue, when Siran sneezed, and then made a disgusted grimace right after. "I was going to ask you the same question, but I see there's no need."

Siran chuckled. "It happens...unfortunately." Then her face got serious. "You don't remember anything?"

"For now no." Y/N took a long sip of tea. "But I hope I can do it. It's important."

"I agree." Another break. "Trek told me that you have solved the gaps between you."

"Yes, that's right. Now everything's fine...more or less, at least until I remember everything."

Siran nodded, and then sighed slightly. "You know, I've been thinking a lot...and I think telling you about my experience can be good for both of us. I kept it inside for too long."

Y/N took a macaron, biting it gently to prevent the knot from forming in her throat. "If you're up to it, tell me. Just don't think I'm forcing you."

Siran nodded once, and then looked down, closing her eyes a little later to group her thoughts and organize a speech. Then she started.

"It all started four years ago..."

~ (this is a flashback, now you are entering into the past memories of Siran, 1st person)

"Come on, Siran, let go a little!" Finna told me, forcibly closing the book I was studying on, trying to get me up from the long couch. "Go out with me tonight!"

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