Death Threats and Waffles

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A/N: This is mostly dreams, and mostly edited 🥴🤫🙃and again, the song is what listened to while working on this 🤷‍♀️And to any Umbrella Academy fans, doesn't it sound like a song they'd use in the show!? 

       It was dark, and a foul smell filled my nostrils. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I saw monsters. Like a whole armada of them. They were in some place dark, maybe underground. But it didn't feel like that. Maybe it was just nighttime?

Suddenly there was a bright flash, and it got eerie quiet. A tall skinny man was standing on some sort of raised platform up ahead. He had curved horns coming out of the top of this head, and was carrying a glowing staff. He held out his hands in a grand gesture.

"Do you know why we were here?" The mad asked, and it sounded like a hundred snakes all talking at once.

"Uhh... doughnuts?" A monster asked from the sea of them, and the man sent a glare in that direction.

"No, not doughnuts. We are here for power. To overthrow the ones who have wronged us. And where do we start with that?" He said, and this time no one responded. I could practically hear the man roll his eyes.

"We start by portaling our way into Avengers Tower. You see, if we start there, then we have the advantage. Though only we can accomplish this if the receiving end of the portal is opened. But then, will we travel together and attack!" At this the man raised his staff, and all the monsters made horenousd noises that I assumed must have been cheering. Then the man held up his hand for silence. It was quiet for a moment, and he seemed to be thinking. Then a small smirk formed on his face.

"And do you know what we will do to those ungrateful brats who will try to stop us?" He questioned, and the monsters shuffled nervously. The man looked straight at me, and I could see his cold blue eyes and all the fury that was concealed in them. "We will tear them down, bit by bit." He spat. "Until there is nothing left." Then his image started disappearing, and suddenly I was in an entirely different place. Well, it was still dark. So not entirely different.

It was dark and gloomy, and seemed to wreak death. I was floating towards a massive building made of dark rock. And once again, my dreaming image went right through the walls until I was inside a huge throne room looking thing. A guy who looked in his thirties was sitting on a dark obsidian throne. He had a crown made of bones, and a dark cloak on his shoulders. A smaller, paler boy, was kneeling at his feet.

"Father, what is happening? Is it another great war?" The boy asked.

"Nico, you know I can't tell you that. And unless you're willing to go back in The Pit, I don't know." The man seemed to think for a second. "No, I'm not letting you go back in. You're no longer allowed to go into Tartarus, you remember what happened last time don't you?" Tartarus? What was that? And who was Nico... No wait. He was the guy Percy had mentioned. Something about more monsters than usual or something? And about asking Nico what was going on...

"But dad-" Nico stopped mid-sentence. He turned towards my direction. "We're not alone." His dad looked around and his eyes landed on me.

"Who are you?" Nico's dad asked. Wait- was I actually here? I opened my mouth to reply, but I didn't seem to be able to speak. I tried again, but it was like trying to talk underwater and be heard above.

"Ashely," I managed to croak out.

"The person Percy mentioned?" Nico asked.

"Who is Ashely?" His dad asked.

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