Chapter 3 - I Meet A Guy Names Peter

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       As soon as I stepped out of the van, Argus drove off, leaving me with two choices: run away screaming or go inside. Not wanting to leave, I entered Stark Tower, I was left speechless. Just the main lobby was huge. There were four main desks - two on one side of the room and two on the other. To my left was a seating area, and when I turned there was one on my right as well. Two elevators were in the middle, a staircase in between them. Though who would want to walk up all those flights of stairs, I had no idea. Everything was grey and blue - the colors of Stark Industries.

"Crazy isn't it?" I turned to see a boy about my age standing next to me gawking at the huge interior.

"Yeah..." I mumbled speechless. He must have just come in.

"I'm here for the hero project." He said.

"Oh, me too." I said.

"I'm Peter by the way-"

Suddenly there was a loud bang and someone fell down the stairs. It was Tony Stark, half dressed in his Iron Man armor. None of the people behind the desks did anything; it just must happen often. I turned to look at Peter who was currently stuck in a trance; staring at Tony Stark with a joyous look in his eyes. But I rushed forward to help him up, grabbing his arm as I did so. He winced and a cold shiver went through me. I had just grabbed a huge cut on his arm that he'd gotten by falling.

"Sorry..." I said, but he was looking at me weirdly, like I just started glowing and flying around. Which I hadn't by the way. I helped him up and removed my hand, gasping as my eyes got wide. The cut was gone, faded to a small scar. Had I done that?

Just then Peter decided to come out of his trance and walk over.

"Are you okay?" He asked Tony with genuine concern.

"Yeah, I'm alright kid." He said. He looked at the two of us then realization dawned on his face.

"Are you two here for my Young Heroes Initiative Project?" He asked.

"Yes," we said at the same time. He reached out his hand to me.

"Tony Stark." He said as we shook.

"I know. I'm Ashley Walker." I said. He reached for Peter's hand.

"I-I'm Peter Parker." He stammered.

"Nice to meet you kid," He turned away to pick up his armor and return it to its rightful place among his body. Peter sighed either with relief, or because he had forgotten to breath.

"Come on, follow me." Tony Stark said when he was done. We all got in one of the elevators and went up to the 42 floor. When the doors dinged, I was left speechless once again.

The room was huge first of all. Big floor to ceiling windows lined most of it. A living room was in the center, and a kitchen looking thing behind that.

"Whoa..." I said.

"I know right?" Tony said. "J.A.R.V.I.S, tell the team to come up and meet our new trainees." Jarvis? Who was Jarvis?

"Yes sir," Said a voice. "They're coming up now."

"Who's Jarvis?" I asked.

"J.A.R.V.I.S stands for Just A Rather Very Intelligent System, and he's my AI unit for the Tower. You can ask him anything. Just don't compare him to Siri, he really hates that."

"Umm... ok." I responde. You don't have that conversation every day.

DING! I turned around as the elevator doors opened and out came the Avengers - Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkey, Thor, and Bucky Barnes. They were all dressed in their gear, and when they saw us I think that they thought we were an enemy. Me and Peter both backed up as they came towards us.

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