Chapter 1 - I Drive The Sun

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This is my first time publishing something, and I hope to share more of this story and others. But please no hate. This is sort of my first time. Thx! 😊

       Ever since the guy dressed like Elvis broke into my house, the monster sightings became more frequent. But I should probably back up. My name's Ashley Walker and ever since I can remember, my lucks been pretty much trash. Want an example? Starting a few weeks ago I started seeing monsters, like things that were so weird and scary they shouldn't have existed. A woman that looked normal expert for her glowing red eyes and mitch matched bronze and donkey legs. A guy you would think was homeless, who really had one big eye instead of two. And I was seeing them everywhere, which just made me more nervous. On the bus to school, on my walk back, in the grocery store. Once I'd even heard hissing like snakes under the bathroom stall, but when I checked there was no one there.

The only person who made me feel better was Grover. He's my one and only friend, and whenever I was around him there seemed to be no monsters at all. Like they were afraid of him or something, but that's crazy! I mean he's dissabled and I'm probably stronger than him.

Then there was stalker Elvis. I'd come home from home from school one day around 3, and he was standing in my living room admiring my mom's old record collection. He looked like an Elvis wannabe, with the hair and everything. But he had little words sewn all over the fabric of his clothes. I looked closer and saw they were names of concerts and music conventions. But the weird part was that some of them read: Lyre Convention 126 A.D. Who would have even been alive then? And what was a Lyre? I had thought.

"Ah, excellent question. It's an instrument! And a quite brilland one at that!" Said Elvis Wannabe. Wait... did he just read my mind? "Given to me by a toddler I believe." He picked up one of my mom records and sighed like he was remembering a happy memorie. Wait? Did he just say by a toddler?

"Such a shame," he mused. "And so young." I dropped my bag at the door and marched over to him.

"Who are you?" I said. "Why are you here?"

"Oh, well I'm Apollo and I can't tell you that. Something about disrupting the universe or the cosmos or whatever. Or was it her plan? She always has a plan." He rolled his eyes. What? What is he talking about?! I thought.

"Do you mind if I take this one? I don't think she'll miss it." He placed the record on his palm and snapped. Suddenly it disappeared. Who was this guy?

"Eh, but I guess I should get going. It's not like the sun can drive itself." Before I could ask another question about anything he'd just said, he was gone in a ray of golden light. I stood there, jaw dropped, in my now empty living room.

"I'm dreaming," I told myself as I walked up the stairs. "That's it. Just a dream." I opened my bedroom door and my eyelids got heavy. I made it to my bed right before I promptly passed out asleep.

You know those dreams where you're looking down on something? Well I was looking down at a strawberry field. Suddenly the dream zoomed in further until I saw a huge pine tree, with, was that a dragon sleeping at the base of it? I didn't get a good look because the dream didn't stop there. It took me down a path with a volleyball court to the left, and a building that said arts and crafts in ancient greek to my right. Though how I knew it said that because I can't read ancient greek, I have no idea. Maybe it was a dream thing. People were everywhere, CHB written on their orange shirts. I wondered what CHB meant.

Soon I came towards a big blue house and my dream didn't hesitate to zoom right into the walls. I came out in what looked like a living room that had been attacked by grapevines. The stuff was all over the walls, and even coming out of the floor boards. Some of it was growing in and out of weird theater masks that were hung on the walls, making it look like they were alive. What was also strange is there was a jaguar's head mounted above the fireplace, but it was alive. It was like it could sense my presence there, because it moved its head, its eyes following me with something like pity. Then there were voices, two of them.

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