A God Stares At Me

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Hi! Back again! Sorry for the long update, but this is a long chapter to make up for it. And strawberry0buttons I know you're a fan of this story. So I hope this doesn't disappoint! And just a warning, it's mostly edited. And I don't EVER plan to discontinue a story. Ever. I know how mad it makes people when someone says 'Oh, sorry but I'm ending this story! Bye!' I'm not gonna do that, nor do I plan to. I just had really bad writers block for this story for a while. Its not completely gone, but it wont stop me from updating... Aaaaaand I'm rambling again. Sorry about that... Anyways uh, heres the chapter!

"Are you ready to talk about school now?" He asked me. I wasn't.

"Let's wait for Peter," I said stalling.

"Yeah, you're probably right." He said, shoving a huge piece of waffle in his mouth. I looked out the window at the sun, and I could have sworn I saw what looked a little bit like my dad winking at me. I just looked away.

       Around the time I had one waffle left, Peter, Nat and Clint emerged from the elevator. Peter's face was weary from sleep, and he had on red and blue pajamas. He made his way over to me and grabbed the last waffle off my plate.

       "Hey!" I complained. He gave a sleepy smile that I returned with a sly grin. He took a seat on the arm of the couch I was sitting on next to me, and Clint and Natasha headed over to the counter for the last of the waffles. They should leave some for everybody else. Wonder how much Thor can eat. Like how many waffles. Until he's full, and at a time-  Hey, where was Thor?

       "Where's Thor?" I asked, voicing my question.

"Getting Loki from Asgard." Clint replied with a face full of waffles. That's right, Tony said something about Loki visiting.

       "Wait, didn't he try to rule earth?" I asked, suddenly remembering the events of 2012.

"Mhn," he says mid chew.

"Then why is he coming back?" Peter asked, suddenly getting into the conversation.

"Thor said he needs gets out more," Tony said.

"When will they be back?" Peter asked.

"Oh, either a few minutes or a few days. Time works differently on Asgard." Peter nodded like he was trying to look like he understood that, then when back to nibbling on my waffle.

       When everyone was done eating, Tony had us all sit in the living room. Peter was next to me on one couch, Nat and Clint were together on another, and Bucky and Steve on a third, and Bruce was in a chair near the wall.

       "Ok," Tony started out, rubbing his hands together. "We need to discuss the matter of training these two," He pointed his finger at me and Peter. "Loki's visiting, and uh, well school." I sink a little deeper into the couch.

       "What is it?" Peter asked me.

"He wants me to go to your fancy school." I said crossing my arms. Tony gave me a sad smile as if to apologize.

"Oh, well I guess it would be cool... though I don't know if the.. I mean I guess... uhm," Peter scratched the back of his neck.

"Uh, yeah. So we'll discuss this later." Tony said, trying to change the subject.

       "Next thing on the agenda: Loki's visit. We have to look presentable and be prepared for -" Suddenly the elevator dinged and out stepped Thor, red cape and all.

       "HA HA!" He said with glee. "We have arrived!" We? I didn't see anyone else in the elevator with him. Suddenly there was a popping sound and someone appeared sitting on the other side of me on the couch. He had greasy black hair, and was wearing a mix of green and black. His eyes were a startling blue, and appeared to be glaring at me. He looked almost identical to the guy in my dream... Almost. He had to be Loki.

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