Chapter 4 - I Witness An Intense Arm Wrestling Match

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       As soon as the black faded, I woke up with an intense headache. Putting my hand to my throbbing temple, I looked around. I was lying in bed in what looked like a hospital, hooked up to one of those heart monitor things. It was beading steadily, but my head was beating twice as fast. So that wasn't good. There was a knock at a door a few feet from my bed and Tony Stark, Peter, and Thor all came in.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"The Sick Bay," Tony replied. "That thing dropped you and you hit your head. Do you remember?" It slowly came back to me; the bat lady, grabbing the bow, firing the arrow, the yellow dust, and...

I looked at Peter. "You flew," he shook his head.

"I can't fly. I can swing." He said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"We'll discuss this all later, but for now, get some rest." Tony said, pulling back two curtains and opening a window. A warm breeze blew in and sunlight blasted me in the face. I started to feel better, the throbbing going away. Thor, Tony, and Peter turned to the door when I called out, now standing,

"Wait." They all turned around.

"I feel better... I don't know. The sunlight maybe?" Tony looked from me to the window, then at Thor. Thor gave him a look like Dont look at me!

"You sure kid?" Tony asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I feel fine." I got up and walked over to them as if I didn't just have a minor concussion from falling out of a window.

"What did you mean by 'swing'? I asked Peter on our way up to floor 42.

"Swing, like- " the doors opened and everyone turned to look at me. I ignored the weird looks they gave me as I walked over to the broken glass where the bat creature broke in. Peter joined me and whispered,

"You saw it right? The bat lady? Why did she go right for you and nobody else?" He asked me, and I wanted to tell him, I really did. I just wanted to say, Guess what! I'm part god and monsters are gonna hunt me down 24/7! But I couldn't; I couldn't just blow my cover like that.

So instead I said, "I don't know. But you saw it? Tony had called it a giant bat. It wasn't though. The lady's face..." I was sure I was going to have nightmares about that. He said nothing more until Tony came over.

"Now let's continue where we left off shall we?" He said, steering us back to the couch.

"Peter-" He started, but I interrupted, thanks to my mindless ADHD.

"How long was I out?" Tony looked Puzzled, then he said,

"Only an hour or so..." Like he was just realizing how short that was. I chewed my lip and he continued talking.

"Peter, why are you here? What's your power?" He said it like this was a game show where people get dunked in tanks filled with sharks.

"Oh, I uh, got bitten by a spider." He hesitated. "It was radioactive... and I... umm." He was nervous.

"A spider huh?" Clint said from behind him in the kitchen. Before I could even register what he was going to do, he picked up a mug and threw it at Peter. I thought it was going to hit him, but he leaped up, turning around in mid air, catching it carefully.

"I read a thing about spiders once. They have a-"

"Spider sense." Peter finished. "Yeah, I have that. It tells me when there's danger, or for instance, when someone throws a mug at my head." Peter said. Clint made a face but Peter didn't didn't care.

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