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Bakugou pov

After dinner I stayed with kiri for a while longer then I had to go home so I texted the old hag and she came to pick me up. Once I got home I was tired and I was already 9:00 pasted when I normally go to bed so I went to my room and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I was in the forest I had just heard that the villains goal was to kidnap me I wasn't scared though as if they would be able to do that. I turned to go back to camp but I was stopped by someone putting there hand on my shoulder. When I turned to see who it was thinking nothing of it there was a man I had never seen before with scares covering most of his face. It must have been one of the villains I turned to icyhot who was with me but he just told me I deserved this and walked away. Then I turned to the villain and tried to fight but I was no match because some other guy in a mask came and put me in a marble or some shit. Then just as they were taking me in to the portal or whatever the fuck it was I saw everyone from my class even kiri watching not doing anything to stop them. And then as I was pulled into the portal everything went black...
Dream end

I woke up in my room I couldn't see anything but the dim light of my alam clock that read 4:43. I went to rub the sleep from my eyes only to realize that my eyes were wet from crying. I wiped away the tears and got up I had fallen asleep in my clothes so I got up and put on some pjs. Then sat back down on my bed I was afraid of being alone with my thoughts I knew what it would lead to but no one would be awake yet for me to talk to. So I decided to send ei a text knowing he is a heavy sleeper and probably won't wake up to it *I know you probably asleep but call me when you get this I really need to talk to you*
After I sent it I found something to watch on my phone for a while. A while later around 6:30 ish I hear my phone ring. Not thinking much of it I answer
B: hello
K: what's wrong
B: hmm I said it took me a second to remember the text I had sent him
B: oh I sorry I hope you didn't worry to much I just had a nightmare and needed someone to talk to
K: then why didn't you call me I would have woke up to that
B: I didn't want to wake you up
K: you should have anyway are you okay
B: I don't know
K: what was the nightmare about
B: I don't really remember much but I think it was about the kidnapping
K: I thought this might happen this is why you should have gone to the therapist when the school asked you to
B: no absolutely not
K: well how are you supposed to get better then
B: on my own just like I always have I'm not some weakling that needs to go to a therapist
K: katsuki its not weak to ask for help and I'm worried about you
B: I'm fine I promise and please don't make me go
K: kat whats the real reason you don't want to go
B: ...
K: kat please
B: fine the real reason is because after my parents found out what happened with deku that day I saved you they made me go to one and she had a mind reading quirk she used it and  freaked out saying things about how I belong in an asylum and I was a danger to the human race....
K: I'm so sorry kat I didn't know you went though that if I did I would have never pushed you to go
B: its fine Ei really its all in the past but I'm not going
K: that's okay we will work though this together with out the help of a therapist okay
B: okay
K: hey babe do you wanna go on a date today like a real one we haven't gotten to yet and since we don't have school its a good time to.
B: yeah sure
K: Okay I will come over at 11 okay and we can spend the day together
B: okay bye love you
K: bye love you to
After I hung up I felt much better with it being 7 o'clock now I decided to get up so I got my clothes and went to take a shower and get ready for the day I wore a pair of black ripped jeans with a orange t-shirt and kiris hoodie that he left here when he stayed the other night. I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. Because I was the only one home I just had cereal. Once I was done I cleaned up my dishes and sat down on the couch to watch TV till Ei got here.

You Saved Me (trans Kiri) kiribaku Where stories live. Discover now