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kirishima pov:
I am in my extra classes and It's been a few days since I told bakugou about my past well our past. He accepts me as a guy and told me he supports me. When we woke up that morning he asked me about the blade and I told he about that and showed him my scars. The scars are not very visible anymore and if someone asks I useally blame them on my training. I think we have gotten closer as friends because of me telling him. That night I almost confessed to him I have had a crush on him for awhile but I was to scared to tell him. After these last few days I think it might not just be a crush I think I might l-
My thought was cut short by an alarm going off there was a villian attack I tried to go outside to see what was happening along with everyone else in the class but aizawa stopped us. "Stay here" he yelled as another teacher walked in they talked for a second a walked out. I try to reason with the other teacher to let me out so I can go help my class mates but he won't. After a few minutes I hear someone say " the villians are after a student named kacchan." No no no "that bakugou" I need to be out there I have to help. I tried to leave the teacher had to hold me back. I couldn't do anything. I didn't know if he would be okay. I didn't know what was happening I just knew bakugou my bakugou was in trouble. I kept listening trying to find out what was happening if he was okay I stood there for what felt like hours. Finally someone told us everything that happened inculeding bakugou getting kidnapped by the l.o.v. I feel tears in my eyes but it's not manly to cry in front of others so I don't let to them fall. After that they took us back to the school and gave us the week off.
Being given the week off most of 1-a that was not in the hospital went home to their families inculeding me. Tashio picked me up whent we got back to school in his skinny form so no one recognized him that and he doesn't fit in the car in his fat form. As soon a I got out of the car kyo pulled me into a hug so tight I thought they might break me in half. "I am so glad your safe"
"We both are" tashio says joining the hug
After they let go we went inside. "I am gonna go to bed it's been a hard day for me."
"Okay see you in the morning kid" tashio said sitting down on the couch
" Good night" kyo says sitting down to him.
I walked into my room and fell to the floor finally letting my tears fall.
' its your fault he was taken'
" I know " shit the voice is back.
' maybe you could have saved him if you weren't so weak'
" I know"
' your nothing but a fragile little girl'
' what got nothing to say for yourself'
" Shutup"
' you know that's not how it works the is only one way to shut me up'
I got up and walked in to the bathroom opened to bottom drawer and pulled out the small container with my blades in it. I took one out and slid it acrossed my wrist. Blood started dripping down my arm. I continued till I had about 20 cuts on my arm. I put the blade back in the container and put it back in the drawer. I grabbed some bandages and wrapped my arm after I cleaned up the blood off the floor and put the bandages away. I walked back in to my room changed in to some long sleeve pajamas and went to sleep.

(A/n I am lazy and don't want to wirte this part because it is the same as in the show so if you don't know what happened go watch it so time skip to right after they save bakugou)

As we landed more like fell on to a near by roof top. I still had ahold
Of bakugou's hand I stood up and pulled him in to a hug wrapping my arms around his neck. He hugged me back wrapping his arms around my waistAs I hug him tears start to roll down my face.
" Hey quit crying I'm right here" he says as he pulled away just enough to look me in the eyes and wips away my tears. 
"H-h-hey ummm kacchan, kirishima we should go" Midoriya mumbled
"YOU DAMN N-" "he's right we should get out of here" I cut bakugou of slowly letting go of him. but as soon as I did I felt like he was gonna be taken again so I grabbed his hand right now I just need to know that he's still there that we saved him. When I grabbed his hand he didn't try to pull away like I thought he would.
So we walked hand and hand. We all stopped to see news of the fight between all for one and all might. All might did beat him but at the cost of his powers public image and career.  I know nothing good will come from this but I was more worried about bakugou right now. After everything that had happened we were walking home. " Hey shitty hair my mom is on her way do you want to stay the night at my house." 
" Sure bakugou just let me call kyo I'll be right back" I say and let go of his hand and walk to a spot with less people
" Hi is it okay if I stay at a friends house tonight"
'what friend'
' oh I'm glad he is safe yeah thats fine'
"Thanks see you tomorrow "
' okay bye'
"Bye" with that i hung up the phone and walked back over to bakugou.
"They said it was fine" I told him as i stoped next to him.
"Whatever" he mumbled and grabbed my hand again. 
I just gave him a kinda surprised look but neither of us said anything we just stood there holding hands waiting for his mom.


You Saved Me (trans Kiri) kiribaku Where stories live. Discover now