I"m a boy

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Kirishima pov:

But something wasn't right.
I was in a good home I finally had a family what was wrong. I knew what it was it always is I am not a girl. But I don't know if I should tell them. I just met them. What if they don't accept me. What if they d- "emiko Emiko hey Emiko"
"Oh sorry kyo I was lost in thought"
"That's ok we were just talking about going to get you a new phone tomorrow and doing some other shopping tommorow since you do have very many clothes"
"Yeah that sounds great" maybe I could just hint at me being a boy untill I am ready to tell them.
I finished eating took my plate to the sink I offered to do the dishes but Taishiro told me he would do them. So I went back to my room I was tired. I was about to go to bed when I saw one of my desk drawers was partly open so I walked over went to close it but something cut my finger. Then I remembered I had my blade in that drawer I pulled it out 'i know I shouldn't things are finally getting better' but the voice was still there
' things aren't better they only took you out of pitty
' I don't care if they did it's better then being with him'
'you desvred everything he did to you little girl'
'you know how to make me go away' I did know I slowly brought the blade to my wrist I had old cuts that were starting to heal so I reopened them blood writing all the words he called me ugly worthless weak girl. When I was done I put the blade back when in to the bathroom to a shower when I was done bandges my arms and got dressed in a black long sleeve and red sorts. Then I layed down on my bed and went to sleep.

Taishiro pov:

"We saved that kid but I can't help but feel there is something else she needs like something else I wrong."
"Taishiro you are always right about these things but we can't do anything more tonight."
"I just wish she never had to go though all of that."
"Me too now get some sleep love"
We fell asleep but I was still worried about the kid.

(Time skip)

Kirishima pov:

I woke up an go dressed in a baggie red sweatshirt and some black jeans.
And went down stairs. Kyo and Taishiro were cooking breakfast. I walked over and started setting the table when breakfast was done we at the table and ate. Talking about the plans for the day. When breakfast was done we cleaned up and left for the mall.

(Time skip)

When we got there we went and got me a phone. Then we did some other shopping just wandering around they bought a few things. We had lunch there and decided to go to a few more stores before leaving. One of the last stores we went in kyo found a dress it was a pretty dress they wanted me to try it on. " Sorry I don't really like it"
"Oh that's ok" kyo said putting it back
After that they didn't ask me to try on anything else.

(Time skip)

It was around three when we got home and in the car I decided I was going to tell them I can't keep living as a girl. " Taishiro, kyo can I talk to you about something."
"Anything kid" Taishiro said sitting down in the chair arcossed from me. While kyo sat next to me on the couch.
"Well I am..... I'm a boy I was born in the wrong body" I said starting to cry.
" I didn't know I am so sorry" kyo said pulling me in to a hug.
" Don't worry kid we accept you"
"Thank you thank you so much you both have given me so mu-" I couldn't finish I was crying so much but now only tears of joy.
"Kid we are going to help you though this and we wish we could've done more"

(Time skip a few years)

During these past few years with Taishiro and kyo I have gotten my name changed started testosterone and got top surgery. My name is now eijiou kirishima and I am a boy. Oh and I also dyed my hair red. I made friends with tamaki amajiki he is inturning with Taishiro. He is very shy and has a lot of anxiety but slowly he started to become friends with me. He always talks about someone named mirio he really looks up to him and I think he has a crush on him. This year i am going to start school
At ua the top hero school. I am so happy I could've never gotten here if it wasn't for Taishiro and kyo they saved me.

You Saved Me (trans Kiri) kiribaku Where stories live. Discover now