the date

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Kiri pov:
I was walk to kats house it's only about a 15 minute walk. I was planing on taking to a Cafe and then we could go on a hike there is a trail not far from the Cafe that I was taking him to. Soon I got to his house and knocked on the door. He opened and I noticed he was wearing one one of my hoodies he looked so cute. "Hi are you ready to go"
"Yeah just let me pust shoes on" he said as he was sliding on his shoe.
I smiled and waited for a couple of seconds he put them on and then pulled him into a hug " I missed you" I said while huging him.
He pulled away and rolled his eyes " I spent the whole day with you yesterday. "And I haven't seen one since then"
"Whatever where are we going" Kat asked
"We are going to a Cafe and then on a hike" I told him
"Okay let me grab a few things then" he left and came back with a small bag. "Okay let's go" he said taking my hand
We walked to the Cafe and got a table. We both ordered some food. We were holding hands and chatting about whatever came to mind. "Kat you look cute in my sweatshirt" I said. He blushed and looked away. I reached I up and put my hand on his cheek and made him look at me now he looked even cuter.
"Don't say stuff like that" kats said
"But it's true" I said and he blushed even more. Now he looks the same color as the sweatshirt. Just then the waitress came over with our food. We ate and kats reluctantly let me pay he's so stubborn. We left and started walking to the hiking trail near by it was the middle of the week so there weren't many people are which was nice.
We walked for awhile chating then we came to a small clearing and sat down to rest. We were cuddling and just enjoying each other's  company. After a few minutes I asked "can I kiss you"
He look at me and rolled his eyes " We are dating you don't have to ask" he told " I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it"
" Stup up and kiss me shitty hair " kats said "fine" I rolled my eyes at him then finally leaned in to kiss him. It was a sweet loving kiss it lasted longer than the others we shared. I smiled in to the kiss and almost started laughing so I pulled away. Kats hit me softly on the shoulder
"What the hell was that stop laughing"
"Sorry sorry" I said trying to stop laughing. "You know Kat I'm so happy that I get to see this side of you that so few others get to." I said calmly
"That makes me sound soft shut it" ke said back.
" aww the great bakugou katsuki has a soft spot for me " I said teasing him.
" shut it shitty hair " he said blushing again.
" you know you can stop calling me that anytime "
"Never" he says attending up and running farther down the trail. I pick up our stuff put it in my bag and follow him we walk for a while longer and come to the end of the tail it the top of a large hill with a small lake and and water fall flowing into it " its beautiful " I say
"Yeah this is one of my favorite trails around here but I haven't been up here in a few years now." Kat told me.
"Hey babe it only a few hours till sun set want go for a swim and then we can watch the sun set up here."
"Yeah that sounds like fun" we walked over the the lake hand in hand
Then we both took of out shirts and shoes and I felt eyes on me. I turn to look a Kat and I see him quickly look away. "Kats you know I don't mind if you look" I say in a low voice. I saw his ears turn pink I put my arm around his waist and turned him around so he was looking at me. "Do you like what you see" I whispered in his ear.
He blushed really hard and I let him go taking step back " sorry babe I'll stop teasing you." He looked up at and  made an angry face. I just gave him a small kiss and started pulling him over to the water. I got in the water and looked at him wait for him to get in the water. He was just standing there looking at me
"Are you gonna get into the water" i asked him "if your done being an asshole I will."
" I am sorry babe now come here I said holding my arms out.
Finally he got in the water and walked over to were I was
I smiled and pulled him into a hug. Then I let go and he slpashed me. So I splashed him back a water fight strated. I let him win even though he might have anyway. The I noticed that there was a path up to the top of the water fall. I walked up to it the waterfall was pretty small and the water was deep at the bottom of it so I dove off of the top when I came up from under the water kats was yelling  at me.
" you could have got hurt you didn't know how deep the water was there. And why didn't you tell me before you did that." He shouted I swam over to him and pulled him into a hug " I'm sorry I scared you babe. But I'm fine see" I reassured him. We huged for a while before he let go.
" I'm fine now let's go jump together" so we both jumped off the water fall a few more times and I noticed it was starting to get late so I gave him some of the extra clothes I brought and we changed and put our shirts and shoes back on. I took his hand and we walked over to the edge of the hill and sat down we watched the sun set and started to walk back we took the shorter trail this time so it only took us an hour or so the get back down the hill.
When we got to the bottom of the hill he asked if I wanted to stay at his house of course I said yes so we walked there I wasn't too late when we got back so his parents were sitting in the living room watching TV when we walked in. They turned to us and his mom must have seen us holding hands because she said "katsuki why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend. And why didn'tyou tell me before you brought him over."
"Old hag I've been busy that's why I didn't tell you about us and I didn't ask before I bought him over because I asked him like ten minutes ago night" he said as he pulled me to the stairs and to his room.

You Saved Me (trans Kiri) kiribaku Where stories live. Discover now