new start

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Kirishima pov:

Today I start school at ua one of the top hero schools they have dorms so I have to stay there in stead of with Taishiro and kyo.
Tamaki is here he is going to help me get settled in to ua he has become like my older brother he is around all the time and gives good advice about becoming a hero. We just got to the school we have the morning off to get settled in our rooms. Tamaki helped me find my room and unpack then he had to go but he still told me how to get to my homeroom hopefully I remember. I finished setting up my room it looks super manly. I think I should start heading to my homeroom now I start walking the way tamaki told me but get confused and make a wrong turn somewhere. Great now I'm lost. Good job dumbass. I decide all I can do is ask someone for help so I walk up to someone he has yellow hair with black in his bangs that looks kinda like a lighting bolt. "Hey I'm do you know where class 1a is"
"No but is that the class your in"
" Yeah "
"Cool me too I'm kaminari denki"
" Cool kirishima eijiro " I feels so good to say my name here no one will know me as emiko
"Now let's find somebody who knows where the class is"
"Yeah how about we ask them" I say pointing out a pink girl talking to a guy with weird elbows.
"Sure" he says and we start to walk over to them. ( When they talk Kiri mina denki sero )
" Hey do either of you know where class one a is"
"Haha nope are you two in that class too?"
"Yeah we are"
" Awesome I'm mine and this is sero"
"Cool i'm kirishima and this is kaminari"
"Okay cool but how are we going to find our class"
Looking around I notice tamaki walking not far away. We must have some how ended up in a third year hall. " Hey guys I know stay here a minute" i say walking over to tamaki
"Hey tamaki"
"Oh hi kirishma why are you here"
"Hey tamaki who's this" says someone as they walk up to tamaki.
Oh hi mirio this is my friend kirishima it's his first day here"
"Oh okay tama"
"What did you need kirishima"
"Oh I got lost and can't find my class can you help me"
" * Gives detections* "
"Okay thanks tamaki oh and nice meeting you" I say walking back to my new friends.
" You know upper classmen"
"Oh tamaki yeah me and him have known each other for a few years"
"Oh cool"
"Did he tell you how to get to class"
"Yeah follow me" I say starting to walk the way tamaki told me
(Time skip once they find 1a)
" Thanks kirishima"
"Your welcome" I say and we walked in to class. Most of the class was already there. I was looking around when I saw him the boy who saved me. He has spikey Ash blonde hair and red eyes just like mine he looked almost the same. Except he looked a little older. I never got to thank him for what he did. But shit I can't do it now or he would know I wasn't born a guy. Just then a yellow caterpillar thing rolled up to the door and once it got close I saw it was a sleeping bag then very very tired looking man climbed out of the sleeping bag.
" Hello class I am your teacher shota aizawa" said the tired looking man.
(Time skip)
"Hey Kiri wanna sit with us at lunch"
" Sure " I say to kaminari mina and sero as I clean the stuff off my desk.
" Hey who's the angry guy" mina said looking at bakugou
"I think I heard his name's bakugou"
" Let's ask him to sit with us too"
" Sure"
" Hey bakugou you want to sit with us at lunch"
"Tch whatever"
(Time skip a few months)
So he sat with us at lunch an most days after that. Also turns out his room was the one next to mine. We have become close I am the only one who can some what calm him down when he is trying to kill someone. He's my best friend. He still doesn't now I was the person he saved a few years ago. If he wouldn't have helped me back then I would never have ended up in a good home my father wouldn't be in jail I wouldn't be training to be a hero and most of all I would not be seen as a man I owe everything to him I just wish I could say thank you to him.

You Saved Me (trans Kiri) kiribaku Where stories live. Discover now