Chapter 5 - Regrets

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Lilypaw stood in camp as Maple wriggled out of Lilypaw's jaws. He felt as if his Clan leader's yellow eyes were piercing through him. He listened to the scattered whispers of his clanmates as Sparrow hissed at Maple to come back. Maple had wandered to the nursery and was looking at Blizzardkit, who was standing outside watching.
"Hi! I'm Maple!"
"M-Maple-?" Blizzardkit asked, his pale fur bristling. Blizzardkit seemed to be concerned.
"yes-?" Maple responded as Blizzardkit squealed and ran into the safety of the nursery.
Lilypaw swiftly padded to Maple and edged him back to Sparrow.

"Lilypaw. Come here. Now." He heard Snakestorm hiss.
Lilypaw made sure Sparrow had control of her kits and slinked over to Snakestorm

"Why in StarClan's name are there 6 kittypets in our camp?" She hissed.
"Loners, actually. This queen needs help and I thought I'd give it to her-?" Lilypaw mewed, looking down.
"Snakestorm, go easy on him. You know how you were as an apprentice" Sagestar interrupted, he flicked his grey tail as Snakestorm sighed.
"Why does she need help?" She asked, looking at Sagestar. Lilypaw beckoned Sparrow over, and looked at Snakestorm.
"the white kit is injured" Snakestorm noted, looking at Snowy.
"yes, she ain't been too well lately" Sparrow responded, sitting Snowy in front of Snakestorm gently.
"Lilypaw, take this queen and her kits to the nursery, Snakestorm can take the white kit." Sagestar meowed, his yellow eyes seemed kind. Lilypaw thanked him and led Sparrow to the nursery, he dipped his head in and smiled at Cherrywater.
"Cherrywater, this is Sparrow. She'll be staying here for a few days, is that okay?"  Lilypaw mewed as Sparrow smiled weakly. 
"I'd love the company, Mothkit has been missing Leopardkit so it might help to have more kits in here." The golden-brown queen replied, as her son, Mothkit was sniffing his new denmates.
"They smell funny!" Mothkit giggled, as Stripes tilted his head
"You smell funny too!" Stripes replied, wrinkling his nose. Mothkit smiled and tackled Stripes playfully. 
"Lets play warrior and mouse!" He said, dropping into a sloppy hunting crouch.
Stripes looked confused.
"Warrior and mouse?" He asked, making Mothkit gasp. 
"I'll teach you!" Mothkit giggled as Sparrow got settled into her nest. Maple was watching Blizzardkit. Lilypaw left the nursery, knowing Cherrywater would make Sparrow and her sons feel welcome.
Lilypaw crept into his den, his mentor was trying to feed Snowy some mashed up herbs. Snowy recoiled.
Yuck! This tastes like rotten mouse!" She whined, eating what she was given.
Lilypaw walked outside again and sat with Cedarpaw, who seemed to be vibrating with excitement.
"What's up?" Lilypaw asked, sitting with his tail around his paws.
"I'm becoming a warrior soon!" Cedarpaw mewed excitedly. Lilypaw's eyes widened with surprise.
"really? when?" He asked, as Cedarpaw touched his paw to Lilypaw's. 
"Snailwillow said tomorrow at sunhigh, are you gonna be there?" He asked, his sky-blue eyes always made Lilypaw feel welcome, Cedarpaw's black pelt still felt nursery-soft, but he was a full grown cat now.

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