Chapter 2 - The Moonpool

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Lilypaw walked down to the beach on BayClan's territory, through the sandy path that was marked out for all Medicine cats. He looked over to see BayClan's medicine cats, Bluebranch and Shredrun, sitting at the pool. Bluebranch's piercing blue gaze looked down at the small pool, while Shredrun's torn ears flicked as he heard Lilypaw approaching. Lilypaw thought about the blind cat, and wondered how his clanmates thought of him.
"Where's Snakestorm?" Bluebranch asked, his night-black fur bristled in the night as if it was trying to escape and join the dark sky.
"She's fallen ill with greencough. Almost the whole Clan has it after Meadowstep and Sunbrook fell ill." Lilypaw mewed sadly. It had been around 2 moons since the deputy's death, Cedarpaw's mentor, Snailwillow had been elected deputy soon after.

Lilypaw looked to his side as a white tom walked over, his pelt speckled with brown spots down his back, this was Heatherweb. He was FernClan's medicine cat under Sheepstar. Soon after Heatherweb showed up, A golden tom soon followed. Lilypaw had never seen this cat before."Lilypaw, this is Heronpath. He hasn't been able to come to our meetings due to SlopeClan keeping to themselves." Lilypaw bowed his head to the strong-looking tom. Lilypaw had heard that SlopeClan had been suffering greatly, having only two kits born in the past 2 seasons."Heronpath, how is Archstar?" Shredrun mewed quietly. His raspy voice sounded as if it hadn't been used in moons.
"She's nearing her last life, I fear for our Clan's future. Swiftbee has been asking the warriors if they'd ever train kittypets" Lilypaw's eyes widened in shock
"Kittypets?? But Kittypets don't care about the warrior code-!" Bluebranch spat, his paws digging into the sand.

Lilypaw's mind fell back to that kittypet he tried to attack all those moons ago. What if she joined SlopeClan? What if she was still angry at Lilypaw for what he did? All Lilypaw could do was hope.

Heatherweb was silent for a moment.
"Hopefully greenleaf will be as bountiful as we could ever hope." "agreed." Lilypaw said, nodding to the speckled tom.
Shredrun leant down and lapped up some of the starry water, soon falling asleep. Bluebranch did the same. Heatherweb looked at Lilypaw, then took a large mouthful of the water and fell asleep with BayClans medicine cats. Heronpath stood next to Lilypaw, beckoning Lilypaw to drink. Lilypaw drank, his vision fading as he watched Heronpath stand up. Lilypaw awoke in a starry forest, much like his own home in the forest. He looked around, then turned at a sound in the bushes, he watched as the grey kittypet he met moons ago ran out, being chased by something. He tried to get a better look, it looked like a clan cat. He cautiously stepped closer, his heart pounding. Before he could see who it was, the cat swiped at the kittypet, leaving a deep gash in her side. The dream ended there, Lilypaw awoke on the sand, his heart attacking his chest."Lilypaw? Are you alright my friend?" Heatherweb asked gently, helping the young tom off the floor. Lilypaw smiled gently."I should head back, Snakestorm needs catmint and we don't have any." Lilypaw mewed worriedly. Bluebranch pricked an ear.
"I can drop some off later if you'd like? We have lots, and Snakestorm is my friend too"
"Thank you Bluebranch- that'd help so much" He said, sprinting back to camp.He thought about the dream he'd had. Did it mean something? Who was the cat chasing her? When he reached the camp, he froze. Heronpath was standing infront of Snakestorm's den. He ran to Heronpath. "Heronpath?" Lilypaw asked, confused.Heronpath's body soon melted into something else, a pitch black cat who looked to be dripping onto the floor. He cried out as the 'cat' pinned him down and ripped his throat out. Lilypaw woke up on the sand again, where all the other Medicine cats were sleeping. He must've had a nightmare. He curled up against Heatherweb and fell asleep again.

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