Chapter 10 - Blossoming

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Lilypaw looked at the unconscious red tom, Lilypaw had dragged the SlopeClan cat's body into twoleg territory, where he knew no clan cat would venture. Lilypaw looked around, the forest floor was replaced with hard, grey grass and the air tasted of monsters. The red tom beside him stirred a little. Lilypaw watched the other cat closely, and jumped back as he suddenly started coughing and hacking. The red cat threw up crimson-red blood, and fell to the floor again, shaking.
"hello??? Are you okay-???" Lilypaw yowled, concerned. The red tom writhed in pain on the hard ground.
"I-I don't know how to help" Lilypaw looked around and saw a twoleg kit, he ran to it and yowled. The kit yelped and Lilypaw led the kit to Thrushpaw. The kit ran off and Lilypaw was left alone, not sure what to do. But the kit soon returned with a full-size twoleg, and the twoleg picked Thrushpaw up. The kit grabbed Lilypaw and the next thing he knew, they were inside a monster. 
Cedarleap sat in the clearing, his blue eyes scanned the camp. Snakestorm's health had improved but her mood hadn't. The whole camp was divided between cats who wanted Lilypaw to return, and cats who didn't. Cedarleap was among those who wanted Lilypaw back. Leopardpaw was outside the nursery, playing with all the kits.
Rumours about one of the warriors expecting kits had spread through the camp like wildfire, and Snakestorm confirmed there was a she-cat expecting kits but nobody knew who. Cedarleap wondered if it was Dawnfur, she seemed more tired lately than she ever had been and her usually skinny frame was now a little plump. And if it was Dawnfur then Cedarleap's older brother Deerwind would probably be the father. Cedarleap looked over at Deerwind, who was bringing Dawnfur a vole. 
"Cedarleap?" He heard a voice behind him call. 
He turned and saw a muscular ginger she-cat standing there. "Any news on Lilypaw?" Snakestorm asked, her green eyes lined with fear and exhaustion. Cedarleap shook his head sadly. Snakestorm nodded in response, and walked back into her den.
Lilypaw sat in the twoleg den, he'd been locked in a room by himself. The floor underneath him was cold and hard, and there was a large smooth box, like a hole but above ground.

He yowled at the closed entrance, hoping to be let out. The twolegs had separated Lilypaw and Thrushpaw when they arrived, and Thrushpaw was pretty much unconscious. Lilypaw thrashed his brown tail, his pawpads were sore from pacing around the strange hard floor. He wondered if Thrushpaw was okay, nobody in the clans survived an injury like that, especially not any scrawny apprentices.

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