Chapter 1 - Lilypaw

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Lilypaw padded through the ChervilClan camp. He sat next to the only other apprentice, Cedarpaw. Cedarpaw had been Lilypaw's only friend after his littermates joined StarClan shortly after his mother didn't recover from a bad bout of greencough and his father went missing. He looked up at the black and white apprentice. Cedarpaw twined his tail with Lilypaw's. 
"How you been?" Lilypaw purred.
"well, Cherrywater and Dewyclaw's kits have been nagging me to death to get them some feathers and shiny rocks." He laughed. 
"I wonder if you'll be a warrior by the time they're out of the nursery?"
"probably not, Sagestar thinks I'm not ready."
"I heard that Snailwillow wants Mothkit, too bad he's stuck with you." Lilypaw sneered, looking to the brown tom, who was talking to a little red kit about the Clan and how it works.
"I wonder who'll be deputy after Meadowstep goes to StarClan"Cedarpaw mewed, which made Lilypaw squeak in confusion.
"What makes you think she's gonna die?" Lilypaw asked.
"I can hear her and Sunbrook's coughing from my den"
"she does have it bad, but I think she's gonna make it"
Cedarpaw laughed a little. His little white paws sat neatly under him, his black pelt had stripes only visible when he sat in the sun and he had blue eyes that reflected the stars at night. Lilypaw watched as a green leaf landed on Cedarpaw's pelt. Lilypaw suddenly blacked out. He felt as if he was falling, suddenly the same silver she-cat stood where Lilypaw's best friend had been.
''green-leaf will only return once the scars are visible. It shall be then, when the dark tides rise once more, children of  the darkness shall mark the end of history and a generation of health.'' The she-cat yowled,
Lilypaw awoke on the ground with Cedarpaw standing over him, looking concerned. Lilypaw eased up, watching Cedarpaw's gaze, it was like a calming pool of water on a hot day.
He stood and dusted himself off. He nodded goodbye to Cedarpaw and ran to the medicine den.
"Snakestorm-?" He padded into the den, his paws sinking slightly in the moss in the doorway.
"Yes, Lilypaw?" The golden-orange she-cat mewed, sorting herbs.
"I just got a prophecy-" He responded
Snakestorm sat up properly, her striking gaze fell onto Lilypaw.

"You have the floor, Lilypaw"
"okay- green-leaf will only return once the scars are visible. It shall be then, um-"
Lilypaw tapped his paw on the ground, trying to remember
"when the dark tides rise once more, children of the darkness shall mark the end of history and a generation of health. I think-"
Snakestorm thought for a moment, her long, thin tail coiled around her front paws.
"what do they mean by green-leaf won't return-? green-leaf started not long ago."
"should I let you think about it-?" Lilypaw mewled.
"go make sure Thrushwind and Cherrywater have enough water, I'll call you when I'm ready to talk about that prophecy" Snakestorm said, her mew almost a whisper.
Lilypaw nodded and walked out into the camp, he picked up a ball of moss from outside the medicine den and walked to the stream just outside of camp. He brought back the soaked moss and walked to the nursery. The two queens inside smiled at Lilypaw as he brought the moss to them. There were 3 small kits, and one larger kit. Lilypaw waved goodbye to the queens with his tail and walked into the clearing. He saw the Clan's leader speaking to Snakestorm. Snakestorm's expression was solemn and gloomy, Sagestar nodded and jumped onto the treebranch above his den. He yowled out into the clearing. Lilypaw watched as Snakestorm dragged the body of a golden tabby she-cat out. Lilypaw recognised her as the clan deputy.

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