Chapter 16

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Chapter No 16

After offering prayer, he sat there in a lone corner of Masjid. The only place where he always found peace whenever he was in some kind of anxiety but tonight was different.  His mind again and again was being pulled towards her

Tonight he hurt her to the extreme. Hurt her who has now become the reason he would breathe. He became addicted to her charming shy smile, the natural blush of her cheeks and the way she always lowered her eyes whenever being nervous. He didn't realize when she paved her way into his heart

"Umer .. Umer na karein na aisa mere saath (Don't do this to me)"

She cried, pleaded to stop him but what he did!

"Arghh" he punched his fists to the floor. Maybe he could get the taste of pain in this way which he gave to her

"I am so sorry Ujala. You are so pure and innocent that you don't deserve a man like me. Jahan is the perfect match for you. Only he could keep you happy. I'll take everything on me. No one will blame you for anything" 

His heart laughed at his illogical reasoning

"You cannot leave her. You will not be able to live without her"

This is the one thing that his heart could not deny. Umer himself was ready to sacrifice his love for Ujala but he didn't know that someone else has to made this sacrifice


Jahan was pacing the length of his room flurried. Suddenly his steps halted as a thought struck him

"What if it was a prank of Umer. He knows my feelings for Ujala so maybe he … he was just playing around"

This thought came and his anger melted away

"I was so duffer. Umer asked me to listen to him and I … I was so stupid. I blamed him"

He grabbed the car keys and decided to see Umer and clear everything unaware that he was going to face the harshest truth of his life


She looked at the wall clock once more. 12:15 am. It's almost four hours since he left. These four hours were four ages for her. After cleaning the mess in the kitchen, she did nothing but sit in the hall staring at the entrance door. Maybe any moment he would walk in

Ujala was in a quandary of whom she should talk to. She was not getting why Umer again and again talked about divorcing her. She wanted this matter to be sorted between them before it came to the knowledge of elders

"Why are you doing this to me Umer. Can't you read my eyes, which clearly reflect what I feel for you"

She was so distressed that she just wanted to let out her feelings and she did what she always does. Talk to Allah

"Ya Allah keep Umer in your protection … Turn his heart towards me …. Nana said that the bond of Nikah is very strong that … that makes you fall in love with your life partner. Make Umer fall in love with me … Allah Talah only You can do this … Make his heart beat for me"

She has cried so much in these four hours that she thought her tears to be dried but she was wrong when the fresh tears pooled in her eyes. With her arms encircled around her knees she was rocking back and forth, anxiously waiting for Umer. Once again, she dialed his number but like previous several calls this one also left unanswered. She opened the Whatsapp and send the voice note more or less similar to the previous ten voice messages she sent to him

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