Chapter 20

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Chapter No 20

"This is intolerable in this campus. What are you guys here for? To get a degree? Or to get a match for you?" Umer rebuked watching the lowered head of Haider and Naima

The matter in hand was not casual to ignore. They both were found in a compromising position in the classroom by none other than the director himself. Sir Raza immediately ordered them to rusticate. They are now present in the co-ordinator's office to excuse

"Please sir, we are sorry. Please give us a chance" Naima pleaded through her tears

"Look Naima I can't help. I just have to follow Sir Raza's order" He was about to take the print out of their rustication letter when Naima's crying geared and Haider implored

"Please sir, just one chance.. sir it's the matter of our career .. sir please"

Despite being strict or rude appearance, he couldn't just tarnish the future of his students. With a long sigh exhaled, he watched the apprehensive and terrified faces of them. His one decision could make or break their future

"Do you guys have any idea how this heinous act is going to cost the reputation of campus" he returned in exasperation

"Sorry sir" their mutual sorry was forcing him to think over their rustication

"I can't promise you but I'll talk to the director. But it is my final warning to both of you, be careful next time" Umer rubbed his forehead and asked them to leave

At the door they came across Ujala. Ujala felt weird as Naima threw a scornful glance to her side. Ignoring it though she entered inside

Umer looked up as she walked to the table

"Assalam O Alaikum" Umer who was already depressed and angry because of this matter pent all his anger on her

"Where are your manners? This is not your bedroom where you can come unannounced at any time" She flinched as he seethed angrily throwing the penholder aside. Tears pooled in her eyes at this humiliation. But pushing back she put the paper bag on the table and left the room muttering a small "I am sorry"

As soon the door bang shut, he realized what he had done. He had hurt her again and that too without having her fault. His eyes then fell on the paperbag and he felt guilty all over again seeing the contents of it. She has got lunch for him and he scolded her


Just one lecture was left. She thought of going home after it. Ujala was feeling strange. First Naima's loathful gaze then Umer's rude behavior and now when she was walking towards the classroom, everyone was passing more or less the same glances to her. Trying to shrug it though, she entered the lecture hall. Finding Dua and Wania already seated there she smiled and went to them but when Dua and Wania also gazed her in curiosity it puzzled her

"Why are you … actually why everybody is looking at me like I've done something wrong?" She chuckled but the serious faces of them both was telling her that something is fishy

"We'll talk about it after class" Wania whispered as Professor Shah walked in the class while she sat through the whole lecture absentmindedly


Umer wanted to relieve the burden and pressure off his shoulders so he went and talked to the director the first thing

"They both promised that nothing this sort of would happen again" he assured the director and reasoned that expelling the students is not a solution and it could affect their career and studies. Thankfully, he agreed but conditioned it to issue the warning letter to both the students

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