Chapter 28

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Chapter No 28

"Mom please, this is pointless now. I can't do it. I am sorry" Ayla has once again brought the topic running from which he avoided coming home

"It's been a year now. How long Faria should wait for you?" 

"Why would she wait? and why is she waiting? Mom you should apologize to Sana Aunty about this proposal. I cannot marry Faria" he was about to dash away quickly but Ayla once again stopped him

"Faria is your fiancé, that is the reason she is waiting for you. Jahan Sikander make up your mind till tomorrow. I don't want to be ashamed in front of my sister because of your insolent behavior" this time Ayla walked out leaving him in the dilemma

He dropped his face to his hands. He was already worrying over the fact that Ujala is stubbornly sticking to her decision and now this new pandora box to marry Faria


"Aunty is not wrong. You should listen to her" he told about all the situation to Saim and this is what he got as a solution in reply

"I cannot marry Faria. I don't want to marry her. Why can't you understand it?" Jahan once again tried to clear his stance but on the other side this was Saim, who knew him inside out

"Ok then tell aunty the name of girl you want to marry"

"What do you mean?" For a second he held his breath

"Tell her that you want to marry Ujala" he was not expecting this blunt reply from Saim and he denied it quickly

"What rubbish"

"Oh really! Then why are you being overprotective of her after Umer. Setting up security for her, convincing her to reject Aehmat's proposal; what is all this?" If Saim would not be on phone and in front of him right now he would've surely clawed him

"I am doing all this because Umer took a promise from me to take care of her. Nothing else like what you're thinking?" 

"Ok fine. As far I remember you told me he also asked you to take care of his family but I never saw you doing any this sort of special thing for  his parents" Saim was not coming slow and he was not letting go the chance to tease Jahan. For a moment Jahan was baffled and lost what he has to say

"Admit it to yourself, it is your love for Ujala that is not letting you think of any other person except her"

"Saim please. I called you to take your advice not for the lecture. I think we should talk some other time" he was about to put down the phone but he forgot to do so at Saim's next words

"You can run from the world but you cannot run from the truth. And the truth is deep down in your heart you want Ujala to be yours" with that said Saim cut the call and he sat there still with the reverberation of his words

"The truth is deep down in your heart you want Ujala to be yours"

Saim was right. He was running away from the truth but he cannot escape it


No matter how much Ujala tried but she couldn't shrug whatever Jahan said to her. His words grew doubt in her heart for Aehmat and now she was pondering over the fact if she had made this decision in a hurry and irrationally. She recalled how everyone was against this decision of hers even Nana Jaan had reservations when he confirmed later that night if she was content with Aehmat's proposal

"So it means Nana Jaan only consented to it because I didn't raise any objection! But only Allah knows that I agreed only to see Nana Jaan content otherwise I can never think of giving Umer's place to anyone"

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