the evidnce points to....

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The three of them travelled on horseback to Notinary Hardenbrooke's residence and it didnt take very long as it was only down the road from where the Cranes were staying. Ichabod had gotten an idea but he wouldn't tell the children what it was.

The tied the two horses up outside and barged into a large space that was filled with stacks upon stacks of books and parchments, Elenore and Matbeth caught each others eyes as rose their eyebrows are how un organized the place was.


They all began to search through the piles but where quickly interrupted by Mazbeth.

"My father's satchel, why is it here?"

Ekenore strolled over to the black satchel that was embroidered with a golden emblem and brought it over to Mazbeth, as they were looking at it Ichabod had opened up a cabinet and was startled to see an old man cowering inside of it.

"Ahh!" Ichabod exclaimed, taking a step back.

"Leave me alone" the notianry said as he climbed out of the cabinet.

"Notinary Hardenbrooke-" Ichabod began but was cut off by the old man shouting to be left alone again. He trotted over to an old wooden chair and the constable proceeded to pester him.

"Not until you have shown me the last will and testiment of old man Van Garret"

"The will leaves everything to his son" he replied, seeming bored by the topic.

"Who died with him" Icabod said leaning closer towards the old man "so it passes to the next of kin"


Elenore had carefully taken the satchel from Mazbeth, who had given her a nod when she asked, and opened it to find something quite interesting.


Ichabod turned to his daughter who was holding up some parchment with a wax ceal on it, Notinary Hardenbrooke's eyes widened at the sight of it.

"I'm a dead man" He said, pulling his hands up to his face in fear.

Elenore handed it over to her Papa who looked curiously at it, he noticed that the ceal had been split and turned to Hardenbrooke, a small smile on his face.

"Van Garret's ceal, broken"

He unfolded the parchment and low and behold it was the last will and testament of old man Van Garret.

"Seems Van Garret made a new will just before he died" Ichabod proclaimed, reading through the neat writing "naming..... widow winship?"

"And here" Mazbeht said, pulling another piece of parchment from his father's satchel, handing over to Ichabod.

"A marriage certificate" Elenore realised.

"Ah hah" He was putting the pieces together "old Van Garret secretly married the widow and left everything to her and her unborn child, so the now will stood between the Van Garret fortune and the person otherwise would have inherited everthing" Ichabod said, casting a stern glare towards the old man in the wooden chair.

"It true, but we four were drawn in against our will"

"Your will?"

"He means-" Mazbeht went to explain but Ichabdo already realised.

"Of course, the four town elders, now I see what parts you had to play, reverently Steinwick new the secret because he performed the marriage, Dr Lancaster attented to the pregnant woman. Magistrate Phillip's gave protection of the law and Notinary Hardenbrooke concealed the documents"

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