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Ichabod snapped his eyes open and jumped awake, he found himself in a dimly lit room, where in unknown man and Lord Van Tassel we stood looking down in him.

"You must be still, the fever is on you"

"Elenore, Katrina" he whispered.

As if by magic, Katrina walked straight through the door a cup in hand and sat on the side of Ichabod bed.

"Katrina I tried to stop Brom but--"

"Shhh" she interrupted "drink this down, it will make you sleep"

"The horseman was not set to kill Brom or me, had Brom not attacked him--" Ichabod continued in a frenzy, but was cut off again.

"Later" Lord Van Tassel spoke "you must rest now"

"I have discovered something, the horseman does not kill at random his victims are chosen by someone who controls him, by that very person who took his skull, someone who knew where to dig, someone of flesh and blood as I have always said"

Katrina quieted the shaken man by pouring the drink down him soon sending him back into slumber.

The sleep didn't last long though as Ichabod hand been played by nightmares again and shot up right into Katrina's arms and he hugged her tightly.

"You were dreaming"

"Ah yes, things I had forgotten and would not like to remember" He spoke looking down at the markings in the palm of his hand.

"Tell me what you dreamt"

"My mother was an innocent, a child of nature, condemned, by my father. I was seven, when I lost my faith"

"What do you believe?"

"Sense and reason, cause and consequence. I should not have come to this place"

"Do you take nothing from sleepy hollow that was worth the coming here?" Katrina asked with a small frown on her face.

"No, not nothing. Forgive me, I speak of love when you have lost your brave man Brom"

"I have shed my tears for Brom and yet my heart is not broken. Do you think me wicked?"

"No, perhaps there is a bit of witch in you Katrina"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you have bewitched me"

Katrina confused frown soon formed  into a smile as she pulled Ichabod into another hug. Their moment was cut short though by a knock at the door.

The two turned to see a towns man stood at the the door, a somber look adorning his features.

"Constable Crane, you've better come quick, we have found your daughter"

At those words the two of them shot up from their sitting positions and sprinted after the Townsman who lead them down to the now desheveld house that the horseman attacked the night before.

"In there, constable" he said pointing into the house.

Ichabod rushed in, running dtatigh the the bedroom door and trying to open it. Elenore had been sat in the same place all night, she hadn't slept a wink, she didn't feel it safe enough to not be on guard. The pounding woke little Thomas up who had been sleeping in her lap and the two of them screamed running into the corner of the room.

"Elenore! Open the door!" They heard a voice shout. Not trusting it Elenore pulled Thomas behind her.

"Go away please! Don't hurt us I beg of you!" She cried. Hearing his daughters sons shattered Icabod's heart into pieces. Dealing that she want opening the door, he grabbed s plank of wood and slammed it against the door till it broke from its hinges.

The children screamed again and closed their eyes.


Now recognising the voice, she opened her eyes to see here Papa stood in the doorway.


Katrina had come in after him and decided to tend to little Thomas, taking him outside and to the Can Tassel residence. Elenore had rushed into her father's arms and broke down into hysterical sobs.

"Oh my darling girl, it's alright, Papa's got you now, nothing can harm you"

"H-he was h-here p-papa" she sobbed.

"Shhhh, I know baby, I know but he's gone now and he won't harm you ever again" he pulled her into his lap, holding her tighter than her ever had and soothingly stroking her hair.

"He killed them! I wanted to help but I had to protect Thomas, I'm so sorry Papa"

"Oh darling, you have nothing to be sorry for, you did exactly what you were supposed to do, there was nothing you could have done, you saved that little boys life"

He placed a kiss on top of head and rocked back and forth a little, trying to sooth his traumatized daughter. Once she had stopped crying as much and was now just staggerdly breathing, he asked her some questions.

"Did the horseman hurt you darling, do he do anything to you?"

"He grabbed me and Thomas form under to floor" she said in quiet and shaky voice that causing the father's heart to break all over again "He seems to stop when he saw me and just stared at me, I took the opportunity to get Thomas away, out of the house"

She stopped for a moment as more tears began to stream down hers face and Ichabod started to rock her again.

"It's alright baby, he's gone now, Papa's got you, he can't hurt you anymore"

"Then the man Brom" she continued quietly " he came in and shot the horseman and I ran into this room locking the door, after a while Thomas came back into the room and I held him close, eventually once all the sound had stopped and everything had gone quiet again, he feel asleep in my lap, I stayed awake all night, I just couldn't sleep, everyone I closed my eyes as saw Thomas's mother's eyes just staring at me--"

"Oh darling in so sorry you were here for all that, I'm so proud of you for being so brave and protecting that little boy, how about we go back to our room and take a nap"

"No Papa! I can't sleep! He might corn back and I haven't got Thomas with me, what if he comes for Thomas--!"

"Shhhh, Elly, everything will be okay, Thomas is being looked after by Katrina and down of the other people in the Van Tassel home, I promise you he is safe. When we get to the room I will be with you the entire time, I promise, nothing will happen to you, I promise"

Elenore was quiet for a moment before slowly nodding, her eyes drooping and beginning to close.

"Didn't try to stay awake baby, you go to sleep, nothing can harm your now"

He kissed her head and stopped rocking back and forth as she feel asleep. For a moment he just looked down at his daughters face, wiping says her tears.

"Oh my poor baby, I'm never letting you out my sight again, I have already lost my beloved wife and I will not lose you too"

He carefully stood form the floor, postioning his daughter comfortably in his arms and walked out of the house, back to the Van Tassel, residence, as she began to stir he was sing a soft lullaby to keep her asleep.

Eleanore CraneWhere stories live. Discover now