mean trick and old cottage

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The horseman chased the Cranes deep into the misty woods, both horses quickly picked up speed and Elenore's hair was flying all over the place. Ichabod stole another glance at the horseman before stopping Gunpowder completely. The young girls face was covered in tears.

"What are you doing Papa!" Elenore cried in fright.

the horseman also stopped but wasted no time in flinging his sword at the two of them and sending the flaming pumpkin flying, it hit Elenore right in the face and knocked her off the horse.

"Elenore!" Ichabod shouted.

Then, for some unknown reason, the horseman sped straight passed them deeper and deeper into the woods. Ichabod jumped off the horse and rushed over to his daughter, her quickly pulled her into his lap and cradled her close to him. He noticed that the impact of the pumpkin had caused her head to bleed and her skin had gone very pale, not long after she passed out. Ichabod took a moment to regain his breath, the faded sound of laughter made its way over to him and he was quick to join his daughter in unconsciousness.


Later that night Ichabod shot up in bed after having a bad dream. Elenore, who had been sleeping next to him with her head on his chest, was startled awake by this. He looked down at her apologetically.

"I'm so sorry my dear, are you feeling any better?"

After Ichabod had re gained consciousness he picked his daughter up and carried her all the way back to their shared room at the Van Tassel residence. He layed her on the bed and wrapped some bandages around her head, then put a cloth soaked in warm water over it.

Much to her displeasure, she was not at all felling better and still had a throbbing pain in her head, all she was able to manage was a soft mumble.


The man sighed and carefully got out of the bed, pulling the covers up over her.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just going downstairs, I won't be long" He turned on his heel and went to leave but was stopped by his daughters cries.

"Please don't leave me Papa"

His heart broke at her words and the sad tone and crack in her voice, he couldn't leave her up here after what had happened earlier that night. He walked back over to the bed and carefully pulled her into his arms, resting her on your hip. She slowly laid her head on his shoulder and he smiled fondly at her.

"I don't think most parents are able to carry their child like this at age elven" He said and this caused her to giggle a little, the small sound sending a wave of happiness through him.

"It's a good thing that I'm small"

While Elenore was growing up, Ichabod had noticed that whenever she was ill that she would become more sensitive and revert back to how she acted as a smaller child, he thought that it was rather cute and had no objections as he defiantly did not like the idea of her growing up and getting older. With that Ichabod walked downstairs and into the kitchens on the first floor. He held Elenore with one arm and used his free hand to carry a lit candle, to light his way through the dark corridors.

Upon hearing a small sound, he blew the candle out, placing it on the table. He opened the door to the drawing room to find Katrina sat reading a book. She looked up and smiled as she saw the father and daughter enter the room.

"Oh, pardon my intrusion"

"There is no intrusion, I come here to read when I am wakeful"

Ichabod walked further into the room as Katrina hid the book she was reading underneath a pillow.

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