Horrid nightmare

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Elenore had been stolen from her bed during the night by none other than the dreaded headless horseman, right now they were both in his horse, galloping into the woods, the horsemans arms tightly griped around her small waist.

They eventually stopped at a small clearing in the woods where there stood a large, grey, twisted tree that stood high above the rest surrounding it.

Suddenly Bark began to crumble from the bottom of the tree and blood spurted out it, splashing all over little Elenore, she squeezed her eyes shut tightly as she screamed once more, desperately hoping that there was someone, anyone else in the wood that could save her, but alas she was alone, with the horseman.

When she couldn't feel anymore blood being thrown at her she slowly unscrewed her eyes and looked at the bottoms of the tree where there was now an opening. As her vision was still a little blurry, she wiped her eyes and took another look, dread imideately filling her body

There in the opening layed the head of all the six victims, their lifeless eyes staring back at her, worst of all were the heads of Thomas's mother and father, to Elenore, even thought they were still and unmoving, their faces seemed to be furious and angered.

She then heard to voice of her young friends father in her head, 'you just sat there and listened, I was being murdered and you didn't do anything! You could have saved me!'

Tears started to roll down her face as his voice was replaced by that of Thomas's mother 'you were in the room, right beneath me and you didn't even move an inch, I could have survived but no, you just watched on and let me die, now my little Thomas is an orphan and it's ALL YOUR FAULT'

The young girl was now sobbing, the horseman seemed to just he watching her, enjoying the utter pain that she was feeling.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!, Please forgive me! Please!" She sobbed

The voices in her head faded away and she took her head away from her hands, the hole in the tree was sloely, getting bigger and bigger.

All of a sudden the horsemans noble steed leaped for ward into the hole.


"Elenore! Come one baby, wake up! Elenore!"

The young girls eyes snapped open and she shout up into a sitting position, her breathing heavy and sweat glistening on her forehead. She looked around her surroundings, realising that she was in her bed at the Van Tassel residence.

"Elenore darling"

Her eyes snapped to where the voice was coming from, once she saw who it was she immediately broke down into hysterical sobs. Ichabod quickly reacted and wrapped arms around his daughter quietly shushing her.

"It's alright darling it was just a dream, your completely safe"

"I'm sorry, I wanted to help them, I really did! Please forgive me I didn't mean to let them die! I would never do a hint like that I, I-" she stuttered bt was stopped by her Papa.

"Shhhh, you did nothing of the sort Elenore, it is not your fault at al, you exactly what you were supposed to do, there was nothing else you could have done sweetheart, I'm sure Thomas's parents would be so happy that you saved their son"

"No they wouldn't, I took their son away from them, now he is an orphan, his parents will never see him grow up and I've only got myself to blame"

"Elenore Rose Crane, you look at me right now" Her Papa said sternly, placing both of his hands on each of her cheeks and tiring her head to face him "This was all the doing of the dreaded horseman, I never want to hear you say anything like that again, there was nothing else you could have done, I know that if we were in danger I would want you to be saved no matter weather I would die in the process or not, A parents number one priority is their child and their safety is the most important thing in the world to them

You kept little Thomas safe all night, even risking your own life in the process just to protect that little boy, you did the right thing and I know for a fact that that little boys parents would be so greatful for what you did, do you understand?"

Elenore slowly nodded her head and Ichabod smiled at her, wiping away her tears with his thumb. Her brows creased as she suddenly remembered that she didn't know where Thomas was and panick started to rise in her chest.

"Where is Thomas Papa? Is he safe?" She rushed out

Ichabod stroked his daughters hair before pulling her into another warm embrace, smiling in fondness and admiration at his daughters care for others.

"Thomas is perfectly safe, Katrina and Lady Van Tassel have been watching over and caring for him throughout  the night, I'm sure he will be down stairs having breakfast right now" He told her with a smile.

Her breathing returned to a steady pace as she calmed down. A small sigh of relief escaped her lips as she smiled back at her father sending a wave of relief through him as well.

Their father-daughter moment was cut of by a small knock at the door, which slowly creaked open to reveal little Thomas, with a small smile on his face at the sight of his best friend.

Elenore grinned back and opened up her arms to the little boy who rushed towards her without hesitation, she pulled him onto her lap and hugged him tightly.

"Good morning Thomas, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay Elenore, Thank you for saving me yesterday"

She ruffled his short, ginger hair and wrapped her arm around his shoulder.

"Your most welcome, I would do anything for you Thomas and I promise that I will always be here for you, whenever you need me"

Thomas leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek "I love you Elenore"

"I love you too Thomas"

The two children hugged once again and Ichabod, who had been watching the whole encounter with tears in his eye, quickly blinked them away and stood up from the bed.

"Come on children, we better get downstairs and start out day"

Thomas jumped off the bed and ran from the room, a cheeky smile on his face and Elenore giggled at his actions. Ichabod kneeled down in font of her bed and his face turned serious.

"Are you feeling a little better now sweetheart?" She nodded in response "I understand if you wish to stay in here today-"

"No, no" she interrupted softly "I'm okay Papa, can we go downstairs now?"

He stood up again and pulled her out of the bed, resting her on his hip and placing a kiss to her forehead.

"Of course darling"

Sorry that this chapter doesn't continue in with the sleepy hollow story line but my tablet, which I use to watch he film as a reference when writing, doesn't seem to be working and I really wanted to give you guys an update.

Hope you still liked it though, next chapter should continue on with the regular storyline. Thanks for reading and thank you for all the lovely comments and support from you all, it really means a lot.


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