The horseman!

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Katrina kneeled down in front of an old fireplace.

"I used to play here by the summit as a child" She smiled fondly as she picked up a long stick from before and began to draw a picture in the dirt and dust "It was my first drawing school, and my mother was my teacher" As she finished her drawing she noticed something and gasped a little in excitement, Elenore wriggled out of her fathers arms and kneeled down next to the blonde girl so that she could see.

"Oh look, carved into the fire back" It was a picture of a man holding a bow  and arrow "The archer, I had forgotten it Its been there since we lived here" Ichabod had walked over to where the window would have been and he stared of into the mist"

"What's the matter Papa?"

"Are you alright?"

he turned back around to face the two girls only to give three simple words and turn back around, his back to them.

"Yes, thank you"

All of their attention was caught by a little bird perched in a nearby tree, tweeting quietly.

"A cardinal, my favourite" Katrina told the two cranes "I'd love to have one but I wouldn't have the heart to cage him"

"Well then, I have something for you" Ichabod Said with a smile, Katrina picked up Elenore so that she would also be able to see. He took out a little, card circle with two pieces of string on each side, he showed them the first picture.

"Cardinal on one side" He flipped it over two show them the other picture "An empty cage, and know" He began to twist the two strings and the movement of the circle made it look as if the two pictures in one.

The two girls looked at it in awe, smiling with delight.

"You can do magic, teach me" Katrina said. Ichabod smirked a little.

"It is no magic, it's what we call optics"

'He's acting just like he does in my home-school classes, He is in teacher mode' Elenore thought to herself.

"Separate pictures become one in the spinning, it is truth, but truth is not always appearance"

After spending a little more time together, the tree of them headed back into the little village. They said their goodbyes to Katrina as she went back home, Elenore had managed to convince her Papa to let her go to her little friends house. He was not to keen on the idea at first but when she told him that she was feeling better and after a little bit of pleading, he finally let her go, but not without a hug and a kiss.

As Ichabod was walking back to the Van tassel residence he saw Magistrate Phillips leave one of the buildings looking rather frustrated. The constable watched at the man placed a couple of trunks into a carriage and set off out of town. Ichabod quickly got onto to gunpowder and followed them man, curious as to where he was going. The carriage stopped at a graveyard and Ichabod jumped from his horse and confronted them man.

"What are you running from Magistrate Phillips"

"Damn you Crane"

"Your a mind to help me"

"Yes and it's put me in mortal dread of..."

"Of what?"

"Of powers of which there is no defence" The Magistrate said, turning to face the constable with an annoyed glint in his eyes. Ichabod then decided to get to straight to the point of what he had been wondering for a while.

"How did you know the widow Winship was expecting a child?" He asked

"She told me"

"Then I deduce that you are the father" Ichabod boldly exclaimed without thinking at all.

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