she isnt dead

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Baltus aimed his gun and stepped back, up that stairs of the podium as some of  the guards began to round on him.

"Stay back, stay back"

He got to the top of the podium and began to shout down to the people below, while outside the horseman had created a cross bow type weapon.

Elenore had moved her face from the crook of her Papa's neck to watch Katrina's father angrily yell at everyone in the church.

"There is a conspiracy here! And I will seek it out!"

Katrina whipped her head a round to stare at Ichabod who was looking at the ground, avoiding her eyes.

Then, out of no where  a metal pole came shooting through the window and right through Baltus Van Tassel. Katrina and Elenore scremaed at the top of their lungs, both getting up form their positions and running towards the man in an aim to help him but before they could get there, the metal pole was pulled backwards, bringing Baltus's body with it.

He was dragged across the small grave yard by the headless horseman but came to a sudden holt as his head got stuck between to fence posts.

Katrina, Elenore and Ichabod wayched on in horror from the now smashed window, the horseman had whipped out his sword and was making his way over to Katrina's father and his head was sliced clean off.

Elenore screamed again and Katrina fainted form shock. As the blonde girl had fallen Ichabod spotted a piece of pink chalk in her hands an it had rubbed of on her fingers.

Everyone went silent as they all noticed the drawing of a symbol in pink on the floor, a symbol that was familiar to Mazbeth, Ichabod and Elenore.

Later that night, Ichabod stood over the bed of Katina, where said woman laid. She still had not awoken. Once again Elenore was resting on his hip and her head laying on his shoulder. Fast asleep. Both had been very unwilling to let go of each other due to the previous events.

"Twas an evil spirit that possed you" Ichabod whispered to Katrina "I pray god that it is satisfied now and that you may fine peace, the evil eye has done its work, my life is over, spared form a life time of horrors in my sleep. Waking each day to grief. Goodbye Katrina"

With that said, he quietly left the girls room and firstly made his way, down the stairs the the bottom floor, speaking to his sleeping daughter along the way.

"We will soon leave here my darling and return to new york" He told her sleeping form "I hope that the events here haven't scarred you and I am deeply sorry to have put you through all this. I love you my sweet, little Ellie" He gave her a kiss on thr head begoe leaving the room and slowly closing th door after himself.

Now for hisnnext stop, the living quarters of the Van Tassel home. He marched over to the blazing fire place and pulled out a leather book form his bag, opening the book, picture of Katrina and her name written in neat cursive littered the pages, he took one last, longing look at them before casting the book onto the fire and watching it burn.

He also pulled out a small, blue book. Ot was the one that Katrina had given to him the day she showed him her old home for the first time. He was about to throw it on asweel but was distracted by he sounds of yelling.

He looked out side just in time to see his carriage stop in front of the window.

"Ellie? Elenore sweetheart I need you to wake up"

Elenore groaned and opened her eyes as he Pqpa placed her down on the floor, she looked around and noticed that all of her and her Papa's bags were with them, she the looked out the window and noticed the carriage.

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