Quick! Into the church!

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That night Ichabod had put his daughter to bed and went into the kitchen area to speak with Katrina's step mother as he had tried to find Katrina and speak with her but he was unable to do so.

He approached Lady Van Tassel who was warming something up by the fire.

"She will not see you"

"Did she say anything?"

Lady Vab Tassel sighed as she picked up a pot an brought it to the wooden table that was in the middle of the room.

"Only that she will not come down, and that she is sorry about what she said to Elenore, she was just angry and she has nothing against the girl"

That at least raised Ichabod's spirits, if only by the tiniest amounts, Elenore had been deeply disheartened by the fact that Katrina wasn't fond of her anymore.

"I see, thank you"

He went to leave the room but was only able to take a single step before he was stopped by the Lady calling out to him.

"Constable, you have not asked me how I have hurt my hand since yesterday, which would have been polite"

Panick begun to rise in Ichabod, did she know that he had seen the events in the forest? He made no effort to respond and Lady Van Tassel paused for a moment before slowly approaching him.

"In fact......you have been as careful not to look at it, as not to mention it"

The constable quietly gasped as the blonde women brought her palm up to his face, showcasing the deep gash that lay upon it.

"Y-yes, how did you-"

"I know you saw me" She whispered so close to his ear that he could feel her breath on his neck, his stomach dropped at her words and he didn't know what to do.

"What?" Was all he could muster.

"I know you followed me last night, and you must promise not to tell my husband what you saw, promise me"

Unbeknownst to the two of them, someone was listening to their conversation from the other side of the door, young Elenore stood there in her nightgown and cloak with Mazbeth besode her. She had woken up from a nightmare to find her father had disappeared.

When she had gone downstairs to look for him she had spotted Mazbeth and was about to ask him if he knew where Icabod was but was interrupted by the beginning of Ichabod and Lady Van Tassel's conversation. They decided to listen in and had heard the entire thing.

"She must be talking about yesterday evening, with the cloaked figure" Mazbeth whispered to Elenore.

"I agree, but I can't help but wonder what he saw, It must have been terrible for Lady Van Tassel to want it to remain a secret"

Mazbeth nodded and the two went quiet again as they heard another sound coming from the room.

Ichabod and Lady Van Tassel jumped and spun around at the sound of the kitchen door opening, in walked Baltas Van Tassel, he seemed shaken almost.

"Thw town is in ferment, horror and tragedy, hardenbrooke is dead!" He exclaimed.

"Oh mo, that harmless old man?"

"Yes, hanged himself in the night"

"Hanged himself?" Ichabod asked, becoming more intrigued.

"Reveren steinwick has called a meeting in the church tonight, every man, woman and child, there to speak out against you"

The Lord said, pointing a figure af Ichabod who was startled, Elenore and Mazbeth had quietly gasped from outside.

"If you are wise, you will leave this place" Baltus warned.

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