Part 8

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You were sitting in the Medbay, your head was on Harley's shoulder, he was running his hand through your hair and trying to cheer you up, but there's only so much one can do when they themselves are at the verge of breaking down.

Harley and Peter always had a best bros kinda relationship and Pepper found it adorable.

Tony was just glad his kids get along.

May had her head on Pepper's shoulder, who had her head on May's head.

And Tony......he refused to sit, it took all you three- May, Pepper and you to finally make him see that this is not his fault. You knew he didn't believe you , he tried to though, so you appreciated that.

He kept pacing around the room, occasionally leaning on the wall but then resuming his walk. 

Peter had been in Surgery for 11 hours, Nobody was sure if he was gonna come out alive.

The rest of the Avengers had retired to their rooms, the adrenaline finally wearing down.

Nat came down after about two hours with some potato chips and a juice box for everyone.

You all ate silently, not wanting to anger the assasin, when half an hour later, there was still no word, you felt a weird urge, immediately recognising it, you ran to the washroom and fucking puked your organs out.

Harley and Pepper came running towards you, Natasha took Pepper's position.

They held up your hair and rubbed your back until you were sure, your heart and lungs were the only organs left in your body.

And at exactly the moment you reached back to the Medbay waiting room , the red light above the door switched off and Bruce came out with an unreadable expression and then he looked up and smiled, instantly some of the weight left your shoulders and you were sure you could see Tony's shoulders straighten

"He's gonna live, He's not awake yet, but with his superhealing he should be within a week."

"Can we see him?" May said in the smallest voice you had ever heard, but it was understandable, of course you'd feel miserable if the only family you had would be in a life and death situation.

"One at a time." Bruce said while nodding, you all nodded back and let May go in first

This was the first time you had seen Tony Stark cry. Literally sobbing and bawling his eyes out on Pepper's shoulder.

"Can you eat something now?" Harley asked you nodded.

You both went to the kitchen and started talking, you learned a lot of stuff about Harley and he learnt a lot about you.

"And he left you A LAB in exchange for a dora watch?"

"Well yeah, it was my sister's watch actually and I also helped him store Mark 42 but yeah."

"Woah, that man really took a liking to you."

"Yeah he did. You know before i left Tennessee, I had this girlfriend."

"YOU Harley Keener had a girlfriend?"

"Well yeah, I'm only telling you this cause you're like my sister, don't tell Tony, I will never hear the end of it."

"Ok Alright, so you had a girlfriend?"

"Broke up with me because I was moving."

"You know I can set you up with MJ, you just need to ask."

You sweared you saw his face flash 50 shades of red and his voice got all squeaky when he said "No I don't- who said- what MJ- I don't veven- What-Why would yo-Why."

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