Chapter Eighteen

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Kian and I sat in the car a while longer, silent but in a good way. It had become one of those moments where it was so simple but so meaningful to the two of us. He grasped onto my hand. "Let's get back out there and have some fun."

I nodded. "Sounds good to me." I turned to Kian and kissed the tip of his nose and shut off my car.

"Wait, come here." Kian said, lightly grabbing my arm and turning me around. I looked at him confused. He gently grasped the sides of my face and pulled me in, starting to kiss me. It slowly grew deeper and deeper. My hands found the back of his neck, my fingers running through his hair. His arms slowly moved down to my waist. He was stretched across the center console and held me as tightly as he could, both of us smiling into the kiss at the same moment. We both separated from each other and looked into each other's eyes for a moment. "Can you promise me something?" Kian slid his hand onto my cheek, running his thumb around it lightly.

"I think I can arrange something." I pressed my nose against his.

"Never do that again." He said, holding my wrist, rubbing the remains of my scars.

"As long as I have you Kian...I don't think I'll ever need to." I leaned in for another kiss, much shorter than the previous.

His eyes were brighter now. "Okay, let's get going. Everyone is probably wondering where we are."


"Welcome to the rodeo my dear friends!" Jim greeted at the door. "This is the finished product of my new and improved beach bar!"

"What's the name this year?" I asked, standing in front of the group, Kian's arm around my waist. The rest of the guys stood close behind, looking around the place.

"Intoxicated!" Jim smiled and unbuttoned his jacket revealing a black t-shirt with the name written on it with white fabric marker.

"What the hell is his problem?" Sam asked from behind in a whisper so Jim couldn't hear.

"Dude, I don't even know." JC replied.

I gave Jim a smile. "That's...wonderful. What uh, what time do you open again?" I asked, trying to get something to come out of my mouth.

He looked at his empty wrist and then searched the plain black walls for a clock, not finding one. "As soon as everyone shows up I guess. Let me show you around the place!"

"How is he even relatively close to being successful." Connor asked, looking over at Brax.

"He was born with money, but there's something in that brain that makes business easy for him. He could have the cops called on this place and get out of it with no problem." Brax answered.

"How is that even possible?" Trevor asked.

"I haven't the slightest clue." Brax patted Trevor on the head.

"Okay, so we are in the main room right now, this is where everyone enters." Jim said, pointing at the red velvet rope that led to a slick black podium. "Regis will be standing here letting people in. All of you are on the list so there's no need to worry." He made an opening in the rope to lead us past it. "Back here is where Sheila will be taking coats and purses. So be sure to tap into that."

"New feature this year?" I joking asked while leaning my head onto Kian's chest.

"Yeah, I have had too many theft problems over the years...another new thing is that working staff isn't allowed to drink. That's caused a lot of problems in the past."

"Isn't that common sense?" Ricky muttered.

"Then around this corner we have....the dance floor!" We walked into a large open room, staircases on either end leading to something upstairs. The floor was a dark wood dyed a deep purple, the walls black just like the rest of the house, and a bar was set up to the left. The DJ booth was directly in the middle of the room in this glass box. "This is a state of the Art DJ booth, they'll be able to see the dance floor at all angles and up at the top in that mirror type box is where security will be hiding. It's a one way window. They can see out but no one can see in."

"So this guy is probably the biggest idiot I've ever met but also a fucking genius. I don't get it." JC said.

"Neither do I dude." I looked back at JC. "Always been this way."

Kian shot me a look like oh, really? I nudged him and went up to kiss him on the cheek.

"The bar is open to you guys, my lovely VIPs. But they are authorized to cut anyone off." His face looked directly at me, knowing what drunk me was capable of. "Yes, you Kila."

I frowned. "I'll be fine. I have a Kian."

"Damn straight you have a Kian." Kian laughed and kissed the top of my head.

You could see Jim roll his eyes as he turned around. "Anyways...where was I?" He started walking up the stairs.

Kian leaned over and began to whisper in my ear. "You gonna be okay tonight?" He pulled me in closer.

I looked up towards him and kissed his nose. "I'm not bad now...I've definitely learned how to pace myself."

"Okay..." Kian said, sounding unsure.

"I'll be fine. I have you, I don't think anything will go wrong." I kissed his nose again and started paying attention to where we were going.

We made it up the stairs and saw the main room from above. It was beyond glamorous. How Jim had managed to renovate an old house to look like this is beyond me. We haven't even reached the outside yet.

"Up here is where all of the private rooms are located." Jim pulled a couple envelopes out of his pocket as he led us down a hall that had six or seven rooms and another small staircase that led up. "Think you're going to get lucky tonight? Just need a quick nap or you don't think you can drive home? Well these are our special reservation only rooms! The ones I have reserved for you guys are upstairs, no one will be allowed up there. Regis number three will be sure of that." He pointed at the figure at the back of the hall. A man stood like a brick wall in front of the stair case. "Here, badges for all you! If you lose them, well I don't know. We know you so I guess it's whatever." Jim stood up straight and turned to face us all. "And that concludes our tour! Doors open in...." He looked back at his empty wrist again. "Whenever everyone gets here."

"Oh, no beach side dance floor?" Brax asked.

"" Jim walked over to Brax and slid his arm around his shoulder. "Coming soon to an Intoxicated near you. Intox Beach Bar! Swim beach side with a margarita in hand? You got it. Want to dance with all the pretty Michigan girls in bikinis? You got that too."

"Jim....I'm gay." He held up his hand intertwined with Connor.

"You're breaking my ad sequence Brax." Jim whined. "Anyways....will be open soon!"

"Perfect. I think we're going to walk around town a little bit longer before you open if that's alright with you." I smiled up towards Jim and waved him off.

"Thanks for coming to check it out! See you guys tonight." Jim smiled wide and winked. 

We all walked out of the house and started towards the town. "What the hell was that?" Kian asked, the two of us straying behind the group, usual.

"What the hell was what?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"He winked at you."

"He did? Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't even realize. It was nothing. You worry too much, babe." I placed my arms around his neck.

"I'm just a little worried now, you know? I don't want my princess to break her crown." Kian wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Princess? I like how that sounds."


A long awaited update! I'm super sorry that's it's been a few days. I've had a couple personal issues come up and it's been hard to write happy cheesy stuff for this story. Thank you guys so much for bearing with me on that.

On a positive note, THE STORY HAS REACHED 1K READS SO LIKE FUCKING THANK YOU GUYS WOW. I never would have expected half the reads when I started on this site so thank you guys so much. That gave me the strength to finish this chapter and get started on the next one! *crosses fingers for a double update*

So thank you guys so much for everything. Love you. You're great. Wow.

The song I used is called Rainbow Road by Nanobii


[Self Promo Ignore If You Want: I started a youtube channel! A link is awaiting to be clicked on my profile! Thankies :3]

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