Chapter Seven

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I set my moped in the bushes next to the rock. Climbing up the latter I tossed everything up onto where I was going to set up. I jumped from the branch to the rock and lied out the blankets, slightly separate from each other, really don't want to start anything like that as nice as it would be. I fixed my hair, making the ponytail I had put up earlier a little cleaner looking.

Sitting myself at the edge of the rock I pulled out my phone, seeing if anything was happening on the twitter space. It was nearly one in the morning so not much. I heard a gentle knock on a branch behind me. I flipped around to find that Kian had finally arrived. I smiled at him and patted the spot next to me. "Join me."

He nodded and slid next to me. "What's up?" This was the first time I took a good look at Kian. The moon light glowing across his face and reflecting off his noise ring and his earrings. He had his blonde hair up in a plain black snap back, a simple red hoodie and some skinny jeans.

"Just enjoying the sound of the waves. I thought I could check something off your summer bucket list." I stood up and offered my hands out to him. "I want to show you the stars."

He stood up next to me and looked up. "Well then teach me teacher." Kian slung his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in a but closer to him.

I blushed and told him a few star stories from different cultures, a few that my mom told me as a child about the Hawaiian stars. After a few I pulled him over to the blankets. "So yeah... That's the story of Ka Lupe o Kawelo."

"Wow.... I never would have imagined coming to this. I really only agreed to come because we thought it'd be fun to hang out with the guys and do some new things, get away from Cali for a little bit. This is definitely unforgettable, thank you." Kian then pulled me closer to him.

I let out a small laugh. "I just thought it was time to let someone else into my little world." I let my eyes wander up into his and I smiled. "I actually never do this. Not even with Brax. This is where I went to get away from all the bullshit drama in high school, where I went when my old puppy passed away, and where I went to just clear my head of all the bad feelings I had of myself. This place right here is one hundred percent me." I continued looking into his eyes, anticipating every moment that would happen after this. I had the same feeling I always got when I was this close to someone that might have a shot with, but in a way it was different, it was warm.

Kian's face moved closer to mine, the tips of our noses almost touching. "Well I'm glad I met you."

Then it happened. That thing that I was anticipating and hoping for but not really expecting because well....we had just met. Yeah, that thing. Kian's lips slowly caressed mine, both of us smiling lightly. I gently placed a hand on his neck, he replied with an arm around my waist. It felt like eternity, but in the best way possible. Our faces slowly separated from each other, both of us blushing. "I figured I'd give it a shot." He smirked.

"Well this whole night for me was a shot in the dark." I let out a small smile, hopefully my cheeks weren't too red.

"I'm glad you did, because now we're here under the moon and the stars, but they really can't compare to the light in your eyes." He said poetically, holding my face in his hands.

I don't ever do this. Never do I do this. In my self destructive days maybe. Those days were full of one night stands and immediate regret and self harm. Stranger after stranger, hiding them in the Inn, Brax covering me constantly. I was a mess. I'm very different now, and I could feel that with Kian there was a certain level of trust. I smiled at him, happy with my late night decision.

"What are you all smiley about?" He pulled the blanket that was separate from the one we were on closer.

"Just this. I couldn't really be much happier with this decision." I lied back and pulled a blanket over me. "I'm not one for all this...." I motioned my arms around. " always ended up the wrong way I guess..." My talking slowly turned to mumbling.

Kian just nodded and lied down next to me. "I get it. Let's talk about something else then."


WOOOOAH. Getting stuff down now. The main conflict is slowly approaching. Slowly. But what do you think? Too fast? Not fast enough? What the hell is going on Alex, are you crazy? Let me know if you liked it! Vote and comments would be appreciated!

Ahhh, it all just happened so I'm sorry if felt too fast 🙈


Lake Lawley (Kian Lawley//O2L//Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now