Chapter Eight

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I woke up to the feeling of my phone going off in my pocket. My eyes still a bit blurry from sleep. I had found myself asleep on Kian's chest, his arm around me and a couple blankets covering us. "Oh..." I whispered to myself, remember falling asleep this way. We probably talked for hours. He was just so easy to talk to. I gently took myself off of him, trying not to wake up the dream that I was lucky enough to spend the night with. I covered him back up in the blanket and walked to the edge of the rock, looking out to lake and seeing the reflection of the sun rising rippling in the waves. I took a deep breath in and pulled out my phone. 

(5) iMessages

(3) iMessages
(2) Missed Phone Calls

Really? I sighed and clicked on Brax's messages first.

Hey 7:00am
So what happened last night? 7:15am
Is he a good kisser? 7:16am
Ready to meet up with the guys? 7:45am
Are you even alive? 8am

I texted him back:
Aye, we can talk about it later. Well uh, Kian and I will get there eventually. 8:07am

"It's too early for this shit." I whined. I pulled up my mom's texts next.

Where are you? 6:45am
Oh, Brax just told me you were with him at the inn 7:02am
I just found your note, sorry, just ignore the calls. Come home soon please. 7:30am

My mother was such a coconut head. I heard shuffling around behind me. "Woah, when did we fall asleep?" Kian said in a raspy morning voice. I turned to look at him, and I smiled, sure that my morning face probably wasn't as cute as the one he fell asleep to. 

"I have no idea." I stood up from my spot and looked at him. One of his pant legs was rolled up his leg, his sweatshirt rolled around his body. "Not a morning guy?" I laughed and walked towards him. He assisted his clothing and pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you again for this. I can't wait to spend the rest of the summer adventuring with you." He kissed the top of my head, pulled my chin up and smiled at me. "You don't happen to know what time it is, do you?"

"Like a little after 8." I said, enjoying the moment.

"Awe man...we gotta go." Kian held onto me for a moment longer and finally let go, staying to pick up the blankets.

"Oh, you don't need to do that."  I frowned and began to help. "We can ride back on my moped. It'll be faster than walking." Kian nodded, holding all the blankets and following me down the rock, both of us taking in one last look before next time.

Quickly we both got into my moped, Kian kind of giggling to himself. "This is cute."

"Don't make fun of Gordon. He's sensitive." I laughed and pulled out of the woods.


"So I was thinking we could maybe set up a camera and do a cool little time lapse for when we paint." Ricky said, holding up his camera.

"That'd be pretty cool." Sam nodded.

Trevor started clapping once he saw us come close to the house.

"Welcome back you two." Connor said, raising his eyebrows up and down.

"It's about damn time." JC laughed, giving Kian one of those looks that only they understood.

I saw Kian make a face back. I pulled up into the driveway and let Kian off. "Thank you Kila. And thank you Gordon." He handed me the pile of blankets and smiled at me, his cheeks becoming slightly pink. 

"Any time." I winked jokingly. 

"Well aren't you two just so cuuuuuuute." Trevor said, Kian replying with with an aggressive nudge on the shoulder. 

I just laughed, "I'll be right back, I'll tell Brax to head over." The guys nodded. I pulled over into my driveway across the street, I hopped off and waved at the guys who were probably talking about the adventure of last night. I opened up the front door, finding my mom laying on the couch watching a rerun of Kitchen Nightmares on the Food Network. "Hey ma, how's it going?" I sat on the black sofa next to her feet. 

She just nodded, listening to the TV. "Thanks for the note. What are you doing today?" My mom continued staring at the TV. She did this a lot, I really have no idea why.

"Painting the ice cream shop today." I patted her leg, assuring her that everything, whatever it was, was going to be okay.

"Oh, well have fun. Keep me posted on you day, okay?"

"Sure thing." I gave her a hug and walked up stairs into my room to change. I set my phone up on the charger just to make sure it would have some charge for the day. I found a ratty pair of black skinny jeans that were just asking to be painted in. They had a couple holes around the knees. I rummaged through my closet looking for a shirt that could be improved by getting paint all over it. I came across an old white t-shirt that  had some geometric design on it. The sleeves were already cut off, which was nice. I threw on  a red bandeau for underneath and put everything else on. I walked over to my mirror and fixed whatever makeup I had on, some eyeliner and some more mascara. I decided to leave my hair out, au natural. I grabbed a black beanie, my old red slip on  Vans, my phone, and my Star Wars long board that had Boba Fett on it with glow in  the dark wheels. I waved at my mom, telling her I loved her and walked outside. I found Brax and the boys in  the lawn, Brax had his penny board today, it was bright blue with white wheels. "Everybody ready for coffee and painting?" 


I'm sorry it's not a very eventful chapter and I'm sorry it's so late :( I wanted to update yesterday but couldn't get anything on the page. I will definitely be writing more tomorrow see as I'm definitely snowed in. 

BUT GUYS I HIT 200 VIEWS so thanks for that, I love each and every one of yous.

The song is by Razihel, he's kind of the shit and dancing on stage with him was pretty unforgettable. So enjoy.

Um. Predictions? Suggestions? Likes? Dislikes? Let me know so I can improve the story!

Many much love <3


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