Chapter Five

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The beach was over a hill right behind the inn. Not a super big hill but just big enough to where you couldn't see the beach from the town. I took a quick glance at all the guys, Braxton and I winked at each other and I mouthed "3...2...1" Immediately after I mouthed one Brax took off, I lightly pushed through the guys, chasing Braxton up the hill.

"What the hell are they doing?" Connor chuckled then started jogging, the rest of the guys following in suit.

"WOOOOOOOOH!" Kian started running up the hill, trying to pull JC along with him. Soon everyone made it to the top of the hill one way or another.

Brax and I winked at each other again. He took the hat off, bowed politely, then I curtsied. In sync both of us said, "Farewell my darling." It was then that Braxton and I flung ourselves down the hill, rolling down.

"Okay, now I really don't get it." Ricky peaked down the hill where we were rolling down. "Do you guys get it?" He then looked up towards the beach, pausing as he saw the sun starting to set by the lake. The rest of the boys did the same, their eyes mesmerized.

"Quit staring and get your asses down here! That's not even the best part!" I shouted up to them. I started running towards the right towards a place very special to me. Only Brax knew about it but I think it was about time to show some more people.

"Stop running!" Trevor screamed chasing after us. Kian, JC, and Sam slowly jogging behind. Then they were followed by Connor and Ricky's fast walking behind them, still taking glances at the sky.

"Hurry up before you miss it!" I ran into a small patch of trees, quickly going up a rickity rope latter that lead to a strong branch. Braxton was close behind, following me up. I stopped at the branch and looked below at the guys who had finally caught up. I waved at them and walked down the branch, hopping onto a giant rock.

Braxton looked at me and smiled. "This is the spot, guys." Slowly all the guys made it up and got to the rock, Brax in the back making sure everyone made it okay.

I walked all the way to the edge of the rock, facing all of Lake Michigan. It was a spot where no one could see you, the rock was surrounded by the woods and some more bunches of rocks. You could see the sun perfectly start to set above the water. "This is my get away." I placed my hands on my shoulders, proud of my early teenage discovery. I sat on the edge of the rock, swaying my feet back and forth. I heard the guys behind me whisper about the place, I lean back and turn towards them. "Shhh, just watch." They all gently starting moving around and sitting on the rock looking towards the lake.

Kian slowly moved next to me, "This is breath taking."

I replied with a finger over my mouth, shushing him again. "Just watch, if you look closely you can see all the fish jumping in the water." In that moment, we all just sat quietly watching nature do it's thing. I've seen the same sunset so many times before but it was just as beautiful as the last. The oranges and pinks slowly becoming darker, the assortment of fish just flopping around, and then in an instant it was over.

"You'd think that all sunsets would look the same but....ocean sunsets and lake sunsets are vastly different. Equally as gorgeous, just a different air I guess." Connor said, standing up.

I heard a body flop onto the rock. "Okay, so guys, those brownies weren't as filling as I thought. Can we get some food or something?" It was a little Trevor.

"Really, dude?" JC asked, still salty about the brownies it seemed. "You ate like....80% of the plate, man." I heard the two stand up.

"He's a growing boy, JC." Ricky said, getting up as well.

I stayed in my spot, continuing to watch the low tide roll in.

"Trevor is right, I'm getting pretty hungry." Sam added.

"We can head out to Fishies and get some food there." Braxton said, leading all the standing guys out.

"Meet you there! I just gotta take this in." I waved my hand in the air. I wasn't looking at Brax but I could feel his nod. I always take my time here.

"So you just found this one day?" Kian asked, I had forgot that he was still sitting next to me.

"Well angsty teenage me needed a get away that was more than just the corner in her room. I decided to go on a little runaway adventure one night after I had got upset at my mom about probably not being able to go out to Grand Haven or something stupid like that so I packed a bag and a blanket and decided I wanted to go camping. I found myself in this little patch of woods, purposefully being lost, then I just happened to come across this boulder. I spent the night here. I can remember it so clearly." I sighed, starting to lay on the ground so I can see the stars begin to peak.

Kian moved his head above mine, smiling. "I think I'm going to add that to my list of things I'd like to do here. My little summer bucket list." He then lied down next to me. "I can see why you love it here."

"Mmhmm." I relpied. The two of us just layed there, stargazing for a while. Then I believe it was Kian's stomach that made a rumble. I laughed at him and sat up. "Let's go grab some food."


Another chapter for you guys! I have over 100 views now which is fabulous and I thank you guys so much! I find that I am wanting to update daily but we'll see if I can keep that up.

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