Pt. 1 - What have you done?

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Tommy blocked Sapnap's downward swing, their netherite swords hit together at equal speeds, and a loud clang rippled through the air. Sapnap broke free and swung at Tommy's head, which he ducked to avoid. While Tommy's head was down, Sapnap took the opportunity to jump onto a stray oak plank. Tommy quickly regained agility, and swung at Sapnaps feet. He jumped over in the nick of time, and pulled a splash potion out of his pocket. Before Tommy had time to realize what happened, Sapnap launched the bottle out of his hand, the bottle smashing into a million pieces upon contact with Tommy's forehead. Tommy stumbled back, his face towards the ground, and began to scream in agony. Sapnap leapt off the block and kicked Tommy in the chest, knocking the wind out of him and causing him to fall to the ground. As Tommy screamed, Sapnap finally noticed the clear liquid which was on his forehead and tightly closed eyes was smoking, and turning his face a bright raw red.

Sapnap's eyes went wide and he stepped back, unable to keep his eyes off of Tommy's giant smoking wound. Suddenly, the sound of a crossbow broke through Tommy's screams, and a sharp pain hit Sapnap in the side and he stumbled. Tubbo stood about 4 meters away with a freshly fired crossbow, Looking more angry than Sapnap had ever seen him. Dream rushed from Sapnap's other side, and led him away, blocking another Arrow aimed directly at Sap's head with his sword. "What the fuck was in that, Dream?!" Yelled Sapnap. "I'll explain later!" "NO YOU TELL ME RIGHT NOW! WHAT DID I JUST THROW AT TOMMY?!" "SAPNAP IT'S NOT IMPORTANT WE HAVE TO GO!" Dream blocked another arrow with his sword and dragged Sapnap behind a small wall. "TELL ME WHAT I JUST DID!" Dream pulled his mask on to his head, and, with pure rage in his eyes yelled, "YOU ALMOST GOT US KILLED!" "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE?!" "FINE! I'LL TELL YOU! IT- It's a type of acid- it's-" "I JUST THREW ACID AT HIS FACE?!" "Y-YES! YES YOU DID! IF IT WORKED CORRECTLY, WE WON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH THAT KID AGAIN!" Sapnap opened his mouth to yell again, but nothing came out. "Wh- what the fuck did you do?" Sapnap finally stammered out. "C'mon Sap. We are leaving."

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