Chapter 4

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We pull away and smile at each other. I know we've imprinted on each other but- it doesn't feel how I thought it would. I can feel a spark, yet it's not as strong as I expected.

"Let's go back to my house," I suggest. Maybe this is how it's supposed to feel.

"Sure," Jake says, and all I see in his eyes is pure joy. I shake off the feeling and take his hand.

We walk hand in hand back to my house with smiles on our faces. As we enter the living room, we hear some chatter going on in the kitchen. I can hear my brother, Sam, Jake's dad, and a couple of other voices that I can't recognize.

"What do you think they're talking about?" I whisper to Jake.

"I don't know." He raises his eyebrows at me, and I immediately know what he means.

We tiptoe to the door and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Did you hear the news?"

"Yeah, when I went to town people were buzzing about the Cullens coming back,"

"Who's that?" I whisper to Jake. He shrugs.

"Shh. Listen."

"Yeah, it's been over 70 years. Why are they returning? They were better off where they were."

"Do you think they're a threat to us?"

"Last time they were here, they respected the rules." I freeze. That's my brother's voice.

"What rules could they be talking about?" Jake asks me. I have no idea. "I don't know. Let's keep listening, see if they say anything that could help us understand."

"We don't know for sure that they'll be the same. What if they're not 'vegetarian' anymore? A lot can happen over 70 years. "

"You're right a lot can change over 70 years."

"We'll have to have another meeting with them. Discuss boundaries, their diet, etc." Sam says.

"Or... hear me out. We could send a spy to Forks High School. I hear that's where the Cullen children go. We could send someone to befriend them, and they would never know that we know their secrets."

I gasp quietly. These Cullen people must be a big deal.

"The Cullens sound so dangerous," Jake says. He basically read my mind.

"I know, I wonder what they did? And what do they mean by 'vegetarians'?" I ask.

Jake puts his hand over my mouth, shushing me, and we turn our attention back to the people in the kitchen.

"The only problem with that idea is we have no one to spy for us. None of us could pass for high schoolers." One of the men say.

"What if we send Bella or Jake? They're both sophomores anyway."

"No." I hear Jakes's dad and Sam say at the same time.

"We need at least one of them here. We'll need all the help we can get to protect the reservation if the Cullens really are back. And Jake is less clumsy, he'll be more helpful here." Billy says, clearly not wanting it to be me.

"There's no way I'm sending Bella there alone. They could hurt her, they're vampires after all."

Jake and I gasp loudly. Maybe a little too loudly. The voices stop. The door jerks open and Jake and I stumble in.

"Bella? How long have you been listening?" Sam asks me with a disapproving look.

"I... um. I... it doesn't matter. I didn't even know vampires existed. You're telling me I can go see them in person? I'll do it!" I say, faking enthusiasm because I don't want Jake to get hurt.

"This is not like some zoo! They're bloodthirsty, uncontrolled vampires who wouldn't hesitate to kill you!!" Sam says angrily.

"Sam, I'm a werewolf. I can handle myself. I'm not a little kid anymore."

"She has a good point." Harry Clearwater says.

"You can't really be considering this," Jake says to me and grabs my shoulder. "You could get seriously hurt. I won't let you"

"This isn't fair! If I was a boy, you all would let me go in an instant. Jake and Sam, you guys can't be telling me what to do. I can handle myself, just give me a chance."

I could tell Sam was considering this, and so was Jake.

Sam sighs loudly and says, "Ok, fine. I'm giving you one chance. If anything happens, or if you're scared, you come back. Also, if you see anything suspicious, you will let us know and come back immediately. Don't try to figure it out by yourself."

"Fine, you can go Bella. But call me every night. Wait, where is she going to stay?"

"I have a super close friend named Charlie living nearby. He doesn't know that we're werewolves, but we can trust him to take care of Bella. I'll give him a call."

"Isn't that the Chief of police in Forks? I've heard of him. He's really nice."

I smile and my fears are calmed, at least for now.

"I can do this," I tell them, as well as myself. "When am I leaving?"

"Tomorrow evening. But before you go, Bella, we need to tell you about our history with the vampires."

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