Chapter 7

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Edward POV:

I can't get her out of my head. Her sweet smell, her kind smile, her warm chocolate eyes... I need to get her out of my head, but it seems so hard. There is just something about her that draws me in. I decide to go ask Carlisle about her.

I walk to the living room where Carlisle and Esme are sitting.

"Carlisle, can I talk to you for a second?"

Esme leaves the room, understanding that I need to speak to Carlisle alone.

"Of course, is something wrong?"

"No, not really. There is a new girl at our school, her name is Bella Swan. She isn't like anybody I've ever met... Her scent is different from a human's, but it's not like a vampire or werewolf either. It's something I've never smelt before."

Carlisle scrunches his eyebrows, and he's about to speak but I interrupt.

"And I can't read her mind."

That seems to further confuse Carlisle.

"That's strange... you're sure she isn't a vampire?"

"I'm sure. I can definitely smell her blood, and it smells good- but I don't feel thirst around her."

"I've never heard of anything like that."

"I know..."

"Hey, guys! Why are you talking about the new girl?" Alice suddenly walks into the room.

"Because... wait how do you know what we were talking about?"

"Hello? I can see the future. Plus I heard you guys."


"We should invite her over! She seems interesting. She doesn't seem like a human or vampire. Plus, I can't see her future."

"That's weird... I can't read her mind I wonder if Jasper can feel her emotions..."

"I'll go to her house, and invite her over. We can get to know her better."


Bella's POV:


I walk to the door and open it up.

"Um... how can I help you?" I see a short, pretty girl with spiky hair standing in the doorway. She seems familiar somehow.

"I'm Alice." She says in a sweet and enthusiastic voice.

I don't know what to respond so I just say, "Hi" back.

"You know my brother, Edward Cullen. Edward doesn't mingle much, so our family was very curious when he mentioned you." She says and I blush.

"We wanted to know if you wanted to come over and meet our family." She continues.

Meeting the Cullen's would definitely give me more insight on them; maybe I can figure out a way to find out why they are here. 'Plus Edward would be there' a little voice in the back of my head says. 'No, I am with Jacob', I think back, pretending it can hear me. You never made it official. Well, technically the voice is right. I mean we kissed but we never made it official. Plus Edward and I are just friends, and getting to know him would help me with my mission.
...Yep, this is just for the mission, no other reason. 'No it isn't, and you know it'. 'Stop it' I say back. I keep thinking until I hear someone say my name.

"Bella, BELLA!" she yells.

"Sorry, why did you yell?" I ask.

"You spaced out, I have been calling your name for like 5 minutes." She replies.

"Oh, sorry," I say blushing.

"Oh Bella, you have such a beautiful blush,"
I blush again, "And it's fine, so will you come over to our house, say 5 today?" She asks with a hopeful look.

"Sure, but could I have the directions to your house?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it,  Edward, or I will come to pick you up." She says

I secretly wish it's Edward, even though it is wrong. I can't help it! Something about him just draws me in.

"Ok, see you," I say.

"Bye, Bella." She says.

I watch her skip back to her yellow Porsche. I check the time and it says 4:00. I have an hour to get ready. I go take a shower and wash my hair with my favorite strawberry shampoo. I step and dry myself and walk towards my closet. I'm usually not the dressy type girl, but they all seem super fancy so why not. I go up to my room and choose a white turtleneck with jeans and a cute nude belt. For accessories I add a scarf and a bracelet, I pair it with cream high boots and a brown leather jacket. Forks is soo cold.

I check the time again and it says 4:45

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I check the time again and it says 4:45. I have 15 minutes. So, I go downstairs and turn on the Tv, and put on some random show. The time passes and it is 5 and I hear the bell ring. I'm soo nervous, I walk to the door and open it.

It's Edward.

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