Chapter 2

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6 years later, Bella's point of view:

I shut my eyes and think of a wish.

I wish that I will find true love very soon.

I think again. Why not have 2 wishes?

I want to be best friends with Jake forever.

After I blow out all 12 candles, everyone starts cheering. Sam hands me the knife and I cut a slice of my cake and hand it to Jake. He takes a bite and hands it back. I take a bite and cut a slice for my brother.

Today is my 12th birthday party! Since I love reading, my party is book-themed. Everyone has to dress up as someone from a book. I LOVE the classics, and since Wuthering Heights is my favorite book, I am dressed up as Catherine Earnshaw.

I look over to find Jake talking to Leah Clearwater. What are they talking about? I grit my teeth and jealousy slowly fills me. Why am I feeling jealous? I know they're just friends, but it bothers me to see them having so much fun without me. I only want him to have fun with me.

I eye them again. Jake looks so good dressed up as Heathcliff.

"Let's play a game," Sam says. "Everyone has to go around and say their favorite thing about Bella!"

"I'll go first!" Jake immediately volunteers.

"Ok, everyone let's get into a circle and Jake can say his favorite thing about Bella," Sam announces.

We all sit down and look at Jake to say his favorite thing about me.

"My favorite thing about Bella is that she is the most beautiful person I have ever met," Jake says.

My face bursts into flames as soon as he says that and I hide my face in Sam's shoulder. I look up at Sam's expression and his protective glare is not pretty. Then, I look over at Jake and see that he frightened by Sam's look.

I quickly say "Next person!" and Leah raises her hand.

"Well, she may not be gorgeous but her clumsiness is adorable," she smirks.

I hide my face in Sam's shoulder again.

Did Jake hear that? Did he agree with Leah?

I shake the thought out of my head.

Everyone else says pretty nice things, and the rest of the party goes without a problem. After a while, everyone leaves, and I'm exhausted and really sleepy. I go to my room change and change into comfy shorts and a tank top. As I'm about to get ready to sleep, I think about how tomorrow Jake and I are going to the beach. Recently I've noticed how excited I get when I'm about to meet Jake. I'm too sleepy to think about that, so I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

The next day, I meet Jake at our rock and we head to the beach.

"Wow, the currents are strong today," Jake says wide-eyed. "Maybe we should do this another time?" He suggests.

"No!" I say with wide eyes. For some reason, I can't imagine Jake walking away.

"Okay, I guess."

Together we slowly walk towards the water. I feel the sand squishing between my toes. While walking I look sideways at Jake and he looks so handsome, with his hair in his twinkling eyes. I feel the ice-cold water and take a step back. I see Jake raise his eyebrows at me.

"It's too cold, maybe we should just eat on the beach," I say cowardly

"We came all the way here, there is no way I'm letting you back down so easily."

I take a deep breath. "I guess. Come on, let's go at the same time."

"3... 2... 1!"

Jake pushes me in and I laugh as I fall into the water.

Wow, the currents really are strong. Maybe too strong.

My laughter fades into chokes as I struggle for air.

Water fills my lungs and I try to push through but I can't. As soon as I'm about to give up, 2 strong hands pull me out and I feel the dry thud of land.

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