Chapter 9

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Bella POV:

I step out of the shower and dry myself. Since it's pretty cold in Forks, I need to appear to dress warmly. Since I'm a werewolf, I don't feel the cold but I don't want anyone to be suspicious.

 Since I'm a werewolf, I don't feel the cold but I don't want anyone to be suspicious

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I decide to wear a light pink sweater, grey scarf, dark jeans, and leg warmers. I quickly braid my hair and put on my boots. Almost immediately after I'm done, the doorbell rings.

I open the door and see Edward standing there. His face looks just as handsome as I remember it.

I smile and blush, and he smiles back.

"Good morning!" I say.

"Good morning Bella. Shall we leave?" He asks.

"Sure," I reply enthusiastically.

"Bella! Where are you going?" I hear Charlie shout from inside.

"Just a second!" I whisper to Edward.

"Charlie! I'm going out with a friend."

Edward winces. I don't know why.

"When will you be back?" Charlie asks.

I look at Edward for an answer.

2 hours, he mouths to me.

"2 or 3 hours. Is that okay?"

"Sure. Be careful!" I smile at that.

"I will. Bye, Charlie!"

I smile apologetically at Edward and grab my phone and keys. We walk to his car and he opens the door for me, like yesterday. I get in and watch him walk are around the car and get in. He starts the car and leaves the driveway.

We sit in peaceful silence, and I look over to Edward. He looks so serene, but in thought. He sees me looking at him, and raises his eyebrows.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare," I say apologetically.

"It's fine, but why were you staring at me?" He asks.

"No reason," I reply.

He nods and looks back at the road. I look out the window and see so much greenery. While I was looking out I thought I saw... wait that can't be right. Why would Jake be in Forks? I must've seen wrong. That reminds me, I need to go back to my mission. I don't know much about vampires, only the basics. So I don't know what to ask Edward. And obviously, I can't let him know that I know he's a vampire.

I see Edward looking at me this time, and I raise my eyebrows as he did.


"No problem. What's that?"

"My CD collection. I love collecting music. My favorite is Debussy."

"Really? I do too." I reach for the CD at the same time as he and our hands' touch.

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