Chapter 14

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Bella's POV:

I turn around and see Jake standing there.

"Jake, I didn't see you there. I'm sorry." I say nervously.

"Doesn't matter, you called me here to talk. So talk." He says coldly.

"First off, I'm sorry for everything that happened. I didn't want it to happen that way, and I shouldn't have kissed Edward while we still were together."

"I forgive you. "

"That's it?"

"What else is there to say, Bella. I didn't do anything wrong."

"Yeah, you did. You were trying to tell me what to do, and you wouldn't listen to what I had to say."

"Because I found my girlfriend, my imprint, telling someone else that she likes them. What was I supposed to just stand there and watch."

"Jake I'm sorry, you know I love you but not like that. I did at some point, but it wasn't meant to be."

"How could you say that? We were together for like a week, Bella."

"I know Jake, but something always felt odd when we were together."

"Oh, and you don't feel that oddness with this leech. " He says pointing towards Edward. Edward snarls in response.

"This isn't about Edward, and no for a matter of fact, I don't. I always feel comfortable with Edward, also don't call him a leech." I say grabbing Edward's hand in mine.

"Ooh, protective of him already are we. I'm sorry Bella, but you have to pick. Me or him."

I froze, as much as I am mad at Jake right now I don't want to lose him. He's been my best friend for a year, and I love him. On the other hand, Edward is my boyfriend. But, he's actually more than that, I truly care for him in a way I have for nobody else. And, I'm not willing to lose him.

"Jake, can't I have you both."

"No, Bella. There is no way I can sit back and watch you date this bumbo. Choose."

"I choose him the Jake. I will always choose him." I smile at Edward, and he looks surprised.

"Fine if that's your choice, but remember you're going to regret it."

"There is no way I'm ever going to regret this decision."

"Fine, but remember this is not over. There is no way I'm going to let you end up with him."

"Goodbye Jacob."

I pull Edward's hand and walk towards his car. We sit in quiet for a few minutes.

"Did you mean what you said back there about choosing me?"

"Yes, I did. I will always choose you."

"I choose you too, Bella." He looks at me so intensely, I melt.

He leans over and gives me a short, but sweet chaste kiss. The car ride home is pretty quiet, we exchange smiles sometimes, and hold hands. We reach Charlie's house and I hop out of the car.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah. Goodbye Bella."

"Bye, Edward.'

I watch him drive off, and go inside. I see Charlie watching the football game.

"Hey, Charlie. I'm home." I say

"Hi, Bella. Have a good time."

"Yeah, I'm gonna be upstairs if you need anything just call me."

I go upstairs and change into something more comfortable. I grab a white shirt and pinkish pants.

 I grab a white shirt and pinkish pants

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I open my computer and check my emails. I have one from Sam, I open it.

Hey Bella,

I just wanted to check up on you, since we haven't talked in a while. Jake said something is wrong with you too. Is everything ok? Give me a call when you can.

Love, Sam.

Ugh, Jake. This will be one awkward conversation to have with Sam. I email him back saying that we can call tomorrow after school. I grab a book and read for an hour and a half. My eyes start drooping so I close my book and get ready for bed. I try to sleep but it doesn't come for some reason. I keep twisting and turning then I give up. I turn my lamp on and see Edward.

"Edward, what are you doing here? How did you get in?"

"I come here to watch you sleep, you're rather fascinating when you talk in your sleep. And I came in through the window." He said nervously.

"Do you do that a lot? And what did you hear from my sleep talking?" I say blushing. I know I talk when I sleep, but what if he heard something he wasn't supposed to.

" Every night since the day at the meadow. As for your other question don't worry it wasn't anything that embarrassing."

"Yeah, but what did you hear?"

"You said something about missing your brother, and uh... You...uh... said mine and Jacob's name."

I turn red from blush," No, need to worry Bella. If I could dream about anyone it would be you too."

I smile at him, he always knows what to say to make me feel better. I pat the spot next to me, and he sits down. We talk for what seems like hours.

"Bella, you need to sleep."

"Will you stay with me?"

"I would love to."

He lies down and puts his arm around me. I snuggle closer to him and put my head on his chest. He starts humming a beautiful song.

"What is that?"

"It's a song I composed called Bella's Lullaby."

"You wrote a song about me, thank you!"

"No, thank you for inspiring me."

I lean over and peck his cheek. I lay on his chest with him humming and soon drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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