Chapter 5

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"Oh? What history?" Come to think of it, I still had absolutely no idea why the werewolves and vampires were enemies. In fact, I didn't know that there were such things as vampires.

"Vampires and werewolves go way back, about 90 years ago. That's the time when we made the treaty," Sam explains. "We came across them hunting in La Push, and we realized that vampires really do exist. While the Cullens don't suck human blood, we still don't want to take the risk with the residents at La Push. So we decided to make a treaty; they wouldn't come on our land or drink human blood, and we wouldn't expose them as vampires. But we are allowed to go on their land." He says.

"Ok, so why do we hate them so much? They never hurt us, and they don't even drink human blood." I wonder. All the werewolf leaders flinch.

"Well... it's not that simple. Basically, vampires feel a burning thirst. If one of them loses control of themselves, they could kill everyone."

"Have they killed anyone yet?"

"Um- no. But it's better to be safe than sorry. Plus, we're natural enemies."

"And they stink!" Another boy chimes in.

"Well to be fair, we stink to them as well." someone else says.

Sam smiles.

I don't really agree with what they say. If they've controlled themselves for 90 years, I'm sure they can be trusted. Maybe I can try to get to know them, they don't seem like bad people.

"Well, that's pretty much it. You can start packing tomorrow Bella! Get a lot of rest. You have to be prepared"

"Good night, everyone." I say and head to my room, Jake trailing behind me.

He gives me a hug and whispers in my ear, "I'll miss you. Come back soon."

"I will." I whisper back and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I have to get to sleep. Good night."

"Good night."

The next day...

I've packed all my things, and Sam's coming to drop me off. We are leaving as soon as Sam brings the bike over.

I look out the window and see Sam and get my bags. The ride is long, and I hold on tight to Sam the whole time. I will never admit it, but I'm a little scared. It's my first time going anywhere alone.

After we arrive, Sam pulls me off to the side and whispers to me. "Bella, please be careful. I can't lose my baby sister." I raise my eyebrows at the 'baby' part. But I respond with a hug and whisper "I will."

We greet Charlie at the front door. He lets us in, and he seems super nice.

"Thank you for doing this," Sam says to Charlie.

"No problem! It'll be fun, right Bella?" He says with a smile at me.

I return his smile," Yeah it will be, I can't wait to get to know you, Charlie."

He shows me my room and I unpack all my stuff. It doesn't take long, since I haven't taken much stuff. I know I won't be staying long and I don't want to be a burden on Charlie.

Once I'm done, I head downstairs. I hear Charlie and Sam talking about the Cullens coming to town. I wonder if this is what the whole town is talking about. I know Forks isn't that big, so that's probably all everyone's buzzing about.

"You'll start school tomorrow at Forks high. I have everything organized for you." Charlie says.

"Thanks! Can I speak to Sam alone, just for a minute?"

"Of course, I'll just go into the kitchen and make us dinner. What would you like Bella?"

"Anything is fine." I flash a smile at him.

He looks worried as he walks into the kitchen.

"I wonder why he looks so worried." I ask Sam.

He laughs and shrugs.

"So, anyways. I needed to ask you if I can talk to Charlie about... you know. The vampire thing."

"Well... I'd much prefer if he didn't know. But if you're in an emergency, and you need to tell him you can."

"Okay. Bye Sam." I say as I hug him and kiss him goodbye on the cheek.

"Bye. Stay safe."

After Sam leaves, I walk into the kitchen and see Charlie looking confused. I raise my eyebrows. "You don't know how to cook, do you?"

"Uhh... not very well." He admits, a faint blush crawling upon his cheeks.

"That's fine, I'm a pretty good cook. Living with just an older brother I kinda have to be." He laughs and offers to help me cook.

I ask him where all the ingredients are and I realize he doesn't have too much stuff. Limited in my options, I make us mashed potatoes.

"Charlie, can I go shopping tomorrow? You don't have too many ingredients. I can make dinner every day."

"That would be great. Thanks, Bella, I don't get home-cooked food often."

"That reminds me, where do you eat every day if you can't cook?"

"There's a nearby diner. Let's just say I'm a regular."

I laugh. "You won't have to do that anymore."

We finish eating and I decide I should go to sleep.

As I start to fall asleep, I think about the next day. New school, new people, new life. Only temporarily though. I can get back to Jake and Sam as soon as this is all over.

The thought gives me courage, and I finally drift off to sleep. 

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